Chapter 19: Life Changes

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Rae sits in her room reading through a boom Carlisle had given her. (It's been two days since the Cullens left). It's a book about the Volturi. She thinks back to her ability... Or her curse. She doesn't know much about it.

Rae remembers Edward and Alice talking, when they thought she couldn't hear. Aro Volturi has the same ability. Rae leaves the house in some sweat pants, Nike sneakers, and a gray sweatshirt and she drives to the empty Cullen house.

Raelynn goes inside and upstairs to Carlisle's office. She sits behind the desk he left and looks through each drawer. Empty. She looks across the room and sees that Carlisle left his filing cabinets he had.

Rae walks over and she looks through each one and she finds the papers she's looking for. The number to the Volterra castle. She folds the paper up and she leaves. She gets into her car and drives home.

"Mom," Rae breathes as she sits beside her mother. "I need your permission to do something."

"What's that?" Mary asks.

"I want to test out of high school and travel to Italy," Rae replies. "I want Aro's help with my curse."

"Are you sure?" Mary asks.

"Alice is gone, mom, and there's nothing I can do about that," Rae says, and Mary nods. "But instead of allowing myself to fall into a depression, I want to change my life... In a good way. I'll be a graduate if I test out. And I'll learn more about my ability and what I can do with Aro."

"I'll contact the school," Mary says. "Do you know how to contact the Volturi?"

Rae holds up the folded the piece of paper. "When I left earlier, I went to the Cullen place and searched Carlisle's office until I found it."

"You make your call, I'll make mine," Mary says.

Raelynn goes out to her car and she drives herself to the first beach. She walks over to the cliffs and she sits in the sand under them. She unfolds the piece of paper and she calls the Italian number.

"Volterra castle, this is Heidi speaking, can I help you?" A woman answers.

"Um, yes," Rae replies. "I was wishing to schedule a meeting with the kings."

"What's your name?" Heidi asks.

"Raelynn Cullen," Rae replies. "The kings would want to meet me."

"Please hold," Heidi says and then there's a silence.

"Miss Cullen...?" A chilling voice says into the phone. "Are you still there?"

"Yes, I'm still here," Rae replies as she spots her brother playing soccer with Sam, Jared, and Paul.

"This is Aro," the voice says and Rae tenses. "When are you wishing to come?"

"It has to be in the next couple of days," Rae replies.

"Very well," Aro says. "I will have Heidi schedule you in. I look forward to meeting the mortal who demands a meeting with the Volturi."

The dial tone let's Raelynn know Aro has hung up. She hugs her knees to her chest. She knows that Alice and Rosalie both will be pissed that she's going to the Volturi for help but they're not here anymore and she no longer feels safe.

Mary brings Raelynn to the high school the next day for her test. She is testing in each subject and if she passes them, the principal will give her, her diploma.

Raelynn is led to the library, where it's quieter. She sits at the table the furthest away from the doors and she gets her pencil ready while the test fiver gets her first test subject ready. The giver hands Rae the test and tells her she has an hour to complete the questions and answers.

It's been two days since the test, and it's the last day of September. Rae turns eighteen in thirty-one days.

But she got the call. She passed every test and she's right now getting boarded onto her plan to Florence, Italy. Her mother is keeping her dimploma. Mary watches from security as the plane takes off and she holds Billy's hand tightly as her daughter heads for the vampire royalty's palace.

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