Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home

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Mary pulls up to a lovely two story house

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Mary pulls up to a lovely two story house. The siding on the second story is a light blue with blue trimming. The bottom half is red brick and there's a garage. 

"It has four bedrooms," Mary says as Caleb presses a button a remote, opening the garage door. "The guest room is yours. I redecorated it. Your favorite color is gray, right?"

"Right," Raelynn replies as Mary pulls into the garage. "You didn't have to go out of your way to remodel your guest room. I would be more than happy to sleep on the couch."

"Nonsense," Carla muses. "You sleep in a bed like Caleb and I do."

Raelynn nods. "Alright."

Mary gets out with her kids and Caleb closes the garage door. Carla grabs Raelynn's hand. She watches Rae as she gets a glimpse of her thoughts. Raelynn smiles softly at the innocent thoughts and allows the fourteen year old to drag her inside.

Raelynn's room is small, simple, but she absolutely loves it

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Raelynn's room is small, simple, but she absolutely loves it. Her favorite items are a white pillow that says hello in silver and a poster that has a quote that says 'All I care about is pasta and like 3 people' on it.

The poster almost describes Raelynn to a T. She loves pasta, it's her favorite meal choice. She selects very few friends, but not by choice. Her ability caused her to be labeled a freak in Bellevue, which is where she was raised.

Raelynn lays here diary on top of the side table, chest thing beside a gold metal vase of pink and white roses. Rae watches as Caleb walks in and lays her suitcase down.

"The room work?" Caleb asks.

"I love it," Raelynn replies.

Caleb nods and he goes to leave. He stops outside and pokes his head in. "Oh, and mom wants to know what you like to eat dinner wise."

"Anything with pasta in it," Raelynn replies.

Caleb notices the black poster with white lettering. "That poster speaks to you, huh?"

Raelynn smiles at Caleb's humorous tone. "Totally."

Caleb grins at his sister before he leaves the room to go tell his mom that Rae likes pasta meals for dinner. Raelynn busies herself with unpacking. Carla even goes to the room and she helps her unpack with a genuine smile.

"You're spending the weekend getting to know Caleb and I," Carla tells Rae. "It's decided."

"Yes, ma'am," Raelynn muses.

Raelynn grabs the shopping bag from the bed and she sits in its place. She pulls the black pair of gloves out of the bag and she examines them. She puts one on and it's too big.

Carla rushes out of the room to tell Mary that the gloves she got for Rae are too big. Raelynn puts the gloves in the table and she continues to unpack.

A few hours later, Mary gives Raelynn a new pair of gloves. When she saw that they fit, Raelynn put them in her room while Mary started supper.

"Wanna see my thoughts?" Caleb asks as he lays in Rae's bed beside her. "You will know me more."

"Are you sure?" Raelynn asks, her hazel eyes wide and full of curiosity.

Caleb holds his hand out to his sister. "I'm positive, Raelynn. You got to know Carla mentally already. I'm jealous, so it's my turn now."

Raelynn smiles and she takes Caleb's hand and just like that, his thoughts enter her brain. Every single thought Caleb has ever thought. Even ones that Rae would rather not see. She accepts them all, nonetheless. She should know both siblings mentally before getting to know them for real this weekend.

Mary goes in to tell them supper's done but stops when she sees Rae reading Caleb's thoughts. After a few laughs and grimaces, she is done and she releases Caleb's hand.

"I never, never, EVER want to do that again," Raelynn says and she shudders. "Gross."

Caleb laughs as he stands up. "You know me mentally how, Rae," he muses before walking out.

"Dinner's ready, sweetheart," Mary says sweetly. " one and eat."

Mary made some homemade spaghetti and meatballs for supper. Raelynn's stomach growls as soon as the smell of the sauce hits her nose. Caleb smirks as he jobs over and pulls her a chair out.

"Mom's an amazing cook," Caleb boasts.

"Oh, quit sucking up," Mary states. "You're still grounded for sneaking out with that Stanley girl. You're not going to the reservation to hang out with Sam for a month, Caleb."

Caleb sighs. "You're no fun," he grumbles as he finds his way back to his own seat.

Rae smiles shyly as she has a seat. She isn't used to eating dinner with a family. She'd eat with her dad, but it was always silent. She wasn't allowed to speak, only eat. He'd never speak, only eat. It was lonely living with her dad.

"Mom... when do I start school?" Raelynn asks, trying to get her train of thought off the man who was known as James Jones.

"Tomorrow, sweetie," Mary replies. "Is that all right?"

"That's fine," Rae replies. "Do you say grace or no?"

"We could if that's what you'd like," Mary claims.

Raelynn smiles. "What about you guys?"

"I'm fine with it," Caleb says. "Carla?"

Carla agreed and they all pray, without joining hands. Saying their own silent prayers. Rae asks God to keep accepting her for being a lesbian, and thanking him for reuniting her with her family. Caleb asks God to get his mom to stop his grounding early and to let him hang out with his best buddy, Sam Uley. Carla prays for good grades and her first boyfriend. Mary prays for all three of her kids to stay healthy and thanks God for letting her have Raelynn in her life.

The family of four all eat in silence once their prayers are finished. It'd a comfortable silence, one that Raelynn isn't used to, but she can get used to if. Her family are all wearing smiles while they eat.

Later that night, Raelynn goes to her room when everyone else goes to theirs. She closes her door before changing into some comfy pajamas. Lays in her bed after turning the light off, she thinks about everything that's happened over the past couple of days until she falls asleep.

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