Chapter 6: Meet Thy Neighbor

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(A few days later)

Mary has insisted on Raelynn meeting their neighbor today, Saturday. Charlie Swan, chief of police, has lived beside Mary Jones for years. Ever since his marriage to Renee. Mary had already been living there when he and Renee moved into.

Raelynn wears some shorter gloves today with her floral blouse, white skinny jeans, black converse, and a black leather jacket. Mary compliments Rae before they leave the house and head next door, where Charlie lets them both in.

"Hey, Mary," Charlie greets as everyone sits around the living room. "You must be Raelynn, I'm Charlie. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too," Raelynn replies with a shy grin.

"I have a daughter the same age as you moving here tomorrow," Charlie says. "Who knows, maybe you can be friends..."

"Maybe," Raelynn replies.

"Isabella's moving in tomorrow?" Mary asks.

"Yeah," Charlie replies. "Billy will be here."

Mary blushes slightly. Never in her life has Raelynn ever seen a grown woman blush. Does she like this Billy person? Raelynn smiles to herself and she glances down at her lap.

"I'll try and come by and see Bella when you get her here," Mary says. "Rather Billy is over yet or not."

Raelynn fiddles with the fabric on her hands and she glances around the room. Charlie has pictures everywhere. Pictures of his daughter as a child, a picture of him and his ex-wife with a baby. A baby Rae assumes is this Bella girl.

"Hey, mom, can I wash these gloves tomorrow?" Raelynn asks when Charlie goes to get some coffee for him and Mary.

"Yes, but you will have to be gloveless on Monday while they dry," Mary replies.

"I know," Raelynn replies. "I just won't touch anyone."

Mary nods once as Charlie returns with two cups of coffee. He places them once coffee table and pulls a can of coke out of his jacket pocket. He hands it to Raelynn and sits. Rae hesitantly removes her gloves and she opens the can. Rae's eyes flutter closed at the intense taste of soda, something she hasn't had since before her father locked her away.

"I'm sorry," Rae says when she opens her eyes to find both adults looking at her weirdly. "Haven't had a soda since my fourteenth birthday in October of 2000."

"It's fine," Charlie replies. "I got... um, I got those for Bella when she arrived because I didn't really know what she liked. I can get you some orange sodas whenever I go to Port Angeles tomorrow."

"I can't bother you with that, Charlie," Raelynn says. "I can get a job, and..."

"It's fine," Charlie insists. "I don't mind. At all."

Raelynn bites her lip nervously and she nods her head.

Alice hums a soft tune to herself as she skims a fashion magazine, she's trying not to think about Raelynn - but she can't seem to help it. She adores her, the human is beautiful and different than the other girls and guys who have tried to pursue her.

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