Chapter 32: Promise Rings ❤️

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It's officially May. Raelynn has moved into the Cullen house with Alice. Rayna, the witch who is over two thousand years old, is still living there and a member of the coven. Rosalie is five months pregnant and she finds out what she's having today.

But Rae has a picnic date with Alice today, and she's let Rayna pick her outfit out. Rayna chose a burgundy sweatshirt, some gray leggings, a black mini skirt, and some black ankle boots with white laces. Rayna straightens Rae's hair, which is something she has ever done.

"You look perfect," Rayna whispers. "I'm gonna go and see your brother in La Push. Carla and Caleb have been begging me to come down since we came back from Alaska."

"You do that," Raelynn muses. "And give the Clearwater's my condolences once more."

"I'll do that," Rayna replies. "Alice is waiting. Don't keep her waiting long, Rae."

When Rayna leaves the room, Rae looks in her door mirror again. Esme put her a room together for herself so that she can have a bed to sleep in because where Alice doesn't sleep, she doesn't have a bed. But Rae does sleep, so Esme and Marianna put their heads together and got the gifted human a gift.

Rae smiles at herself before she goes downstairs. She earns a wolf whistle from Emmett as she makes herself visible. She smiles at everyone and she curtsies. Emmett busts out laughing and he heads upstairs to get his pregnant wife up for her ultrasound.

Alice smiles. "You look beautiful, babe. C'mon, I have the picnic stuff right here." She holds up a hand woven basket full of food. "Esme and Rosalie made our food just last night."

Raelynn thanks Esme once before leaving with her vampire girlfriend. Alice has Rae jump on back and when she does, Alice takes off running to a random field of wild roses.

 Alice has Rae jump on back and when she does, Alice takes off running to a random field of wild roses

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The roses and their stems stand to the girls' waists but the couple doesn't care. The sit in the large roses and grass. Alice lays their picnic basket down and she opens it. She hands Rae the homemade ravioli that Rosalie learned how to make as soon as she realized she turned human long enough to carry her baby.

"This is delicious," Rae breathes after swallowing her first bite. "Rosalie outdid herself."

"I wish I could eat," Alice claims.  "Maybe Rayna can fix that?"

"Actually, Rayna and I some about something like that," Rae says. "She has an elixir to make someone human. I think Rosalie is leaning toward it, though, but she has one and knows the formula."

"We should let Rose have it, she wants to be human," Alice says. "I got you something, Rae Elianna."

Alice opens a VANCRO ring box and reveals a gorgeous diamond, crown shaped ring.

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