Chapter 20: The Volturi

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In her Italian motel room, Raelynn changes into some black leggings, a gray skirt, a black long sleeved shirt, a fancy white trench coat, and some black pumps

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In her Italian motel room, Raelynn changes into some black leggings, a gray skirt, a black long sleeved shirt, a fancy white trench coat, and some black pumps. Rae looks at herself once more before she walks out and she takes a cab to Volterra.

The town of Volterra is fairly easy to find. It's too big for anyone to miss. She is dropped off at the gates, she pays the driver in a lot of American money, and she walks through the gates, her heels clicking on the stone beneath her with each step she takes.

The castle doors open before she can reach them. Two vampires stand there. One is taller with his black cloak. He has shaggy brown hair and dark crimson eyes, he is in need of a feeding. The other guy is shorter with spiked, dirty blonde hair and brighter crimson eyes, he just fed. He's also in a black cloak.

"Are you Raelynn Cullen?" The shorter guard asks.

"Yes, sir," Rae replies.

"Follow us," the taller one says and he steps aside. "The kings are waiting."

Raelynn follows each guard through the castle and they all get into an elevator. Boring Italian elevator music fills the space.

"What are your names?" Rae asks. "It's only fair," she says when there's silence. "You know mine."

"I'm Felix," the taller guy says. "And this is Demitri."

"Thank you," Raelynn says right as the elevator dings and the doors open.

Demitri knocks on the doors of the throne room and two other guards open the doors. He glances at Rae and he nods for her to follow, which she does. Aro stands quickly at the sweet, and strong scent of Rae's blood.

"Ah, the mortal joins us!" Aro sings, laughing maniacally, as he walks forward. "Miss Cullen, is it?"

"Yes, sir," Raelynn replies.

"Why did you need to see the kings?" Aro asks her.

Instead of speaking, Rae holds her hand out. Aro smiles, pleased, and he takes Rae's extended hand. His eyes widen as his own thoughts fill his head, mixed with hers.

Caius takes notice and he leans forward. "What is it, Aro?"

"Remarkable," aro breathes as he releases Rae's hand. "She saw every thought I had with one touch."

"But she's a human," Caius says.

"I know," Aro replies as he stares at Raelynn in amazement. "Alec, show Raelynn to a room so that she can get settled."

"Yes, master," Alec replies. "Miss Cullen?"

Raelynn smiles at Aro before leaving. Aro watches as she leaves and he returns to his throan.

"A mortal who shares my ability," Aro breathes. "I never thought I would see the day."

"What do we do with her, Aro?" Marcus asls, his voice dull and emotionless.

"We help her," Aro replies. "I saw her thoughts as well as my own... She sees it as a curse, and she wanted my help to help her gain understanding."

"A gifted human," Caius speaks as he sits back. "Amd the Cullens kept her hidden?"

"Can you blame them!?" Aro laughs creepily. "And here she is!"

"Here she is," Caius repeats. "Do we not change her?"

"And risk those unique human abilities vanishing?" Aro asks, appalled. "No." Aro looks toward the door. "As she wishes, we will help her gain more understanding."

Rae removes her trench coat once in the chambers Alec had led her to. She throws it across one of the chairs and she sits at the vanity across the room, and she looks at herself.

Raelynn heard her phone chime. She walks over to her jacket and she pulls it out.

From: Alice C.
I just saw your future. What the HELL are you doing at Volterra? And I know I said I wouldn't be in contact but Damn it, Raelynn, why are you with them?!

Raelynn doesn't reply. Alice wouldn't respond to any of her texts over the past couple of days, so Rae won't be responding to any of hers. She turns her phone on silent before calling her mother.

"Are you at Volterra?" Mary asks when she answers.

"I made it," Rae replies. "And I'm in a room while the kings discuss what to do."

Mary hums. "But you called, so that means you're alive. Are you a...?"

"No, I'm still human," Rae says. "Thank the heavens."

"Call me whenever you can," Mary says and she hangs up, she then calls Alice to fill her in; Alice is staying in contact with Mary to be sure Rae's okay.

After being informed she is allowed to stay, that night, Felix drives Rae to her motel in Florence and helps her with her belongings that she packed for the trip, and they head back to Volterra. Felix brings Rae back to her room and she unpacks.

Rae finds an email from Alice, she's apologizing and saying she's done because Jasper's slip-up. She's done trying to contact Raelynn. Rae deletes the email and she sits on the massive bed and she studies the room.

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