Chapter 21: Halloween Birthday

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It's officially Halloween. Rae can't believe it's been a month since the Cullens left and she's doing remarkably well in Volterra. She has gotten no word from Alice, and she speaks with her mother once a week.

Raelynn doesn't only see October 31st as Halloween. It's something completely different to her, as well. She is officially eighteen today. She was born on this day, eighteen years ago.

Right as Rae has Jane to zip up her black dress, her Skype rings. She looks at Jane, who nods with a rare smile. Rae jogs over, barefoot, and she sees Caleb's face.

"Hey, bro," Rae greets.

"Hey, gorgeous,"  Caleb greets. "Happy birthday!"

"It's your birthday!?" Jane gasps.

"Oops?" Caleb beams.

"I have to tell the kings!" Jane says and she's gone in a flash.

"Thanks, Caleb," Rae says. "Happy Halloween."

"You too, Rae," Caleb says and he sees Sam walking in. "Gotta go, Rae. Again, happy birthday."

Rae hangs up and she grins from ear to ear. She walks away from her lap top and finds her flappy heels and she puts them on. She's supposed to be with Aro in about an hour anyway, he's supposed to be helping her think of her ability as a gift instead of a curse.

The past month, Caius has been explaining the vampire's more in depth that Carlisle had. Though Caius wasn't open to the idea of having a huma wandering the halls of the castle, but he saw how cautious Rae was, especially when it came to them. Caius eventually came around and was more open to the idea of having Raelynn around.

Aro plans on using November, and December if he needs it, to help Rae with her ability. He doesn't know how long Raelynn is planning to stay, he wishes she'd join them. Aro knows that she's have to think a while on it but the Cullens are god knows where, and they left Rae behind, and she came to the Volturi.

A knock on Rae's door breaks her from her thoughts on her meeting Aro and she walks over. Aro is standing there, his hands clasped together in front of him. His face has a gentle smile on it. A smile Rae has never seen on a man with such power.

"Jane said it was your birthday today," aro claims as he steps in, not needing an invitation.

"Yeah," Raelynn replies. "Eighteen."

"Do you want a celebration?" Aro asks.

"No, I'd rather not," Raelynn admits.

"Very well," Aro replies. "Come... I'll begin working with you on your ability then."

Rae puts on a black blazer Alice gave her and she leaves with him, after checking a happy birthday email from her mom and little sister, who's fifteen now. Aro nods at each vampire in the halls they pass until the meet their guards, Felix and Demitri.

"Where to?" Felix asks the king.

"The library across the grounds," Aro replies as he pulls his hood over his head. "We're leaving the castle, gentlemen."

Felix and Demitri share a look before they nod. They pull their own hoods up after putting their cloaks on and they lead the king and the gifted mortal across the grounds of Volterra to the large library.

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