Chapter 33: Another party?

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Every one is sitting together at lunch, minus Jasper, and Marianna, Alice, and Raelynn. Rae graduated early. Alice, Jasper, and Marianna are running a tad bit late. Mike is attempting to write Jessica's speech for her as he said he would. Eric and Angela are being supportive friends. Soon enough, Edward and Bella join them.

"My fellow students," Mike speaks as he scribbles something down. "Cool. Right? Wow, okey. Cute... We are the future. Anything is possible... if you just believe."

"Nice," Angela muses.

"Blah, blah, blah," Mike mumbles. "Perfect, and you got yourself a speech." He rips the paper from his notepad and he hands it to Jessica.

"No, this will be my speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head," Jessica say.. "So... Thank you." Jess crumbles up the piece of paper and she throws it at Mike's head, hitting him in the eye.

"Ya gotta embrace the cliches, Jess," Mike claims.

"They gave the bread and butter if all valedictorians," Eric says.

"And that is why you're not valedictorian," Angela says. "And Jess doesn't need cliches. The speech is gonna be epic."

"Epic?" Jessica scoffs. "It'll change lives."

"I decided to throw a party," Alice chirps as she, marianna, and Jasper join the gang at the lunch table.

"After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?" Jasper jokes, causing Edward to stifle a smile.

"A party?" Angela asks. "At your place?

"I've never seen your house," Jessica claims.

"No one's ever seen their house," Eric states.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asks as he gives his clairvoyant sister a look.

"It'll be fun!" Alice claims.

"Yeah, that's what you said the last time," Bella says and Alice is pulled into a vision.

Jasper turns his full attention to his sister and he waits for her to come out of it while Edward tries to distract the oblivious humans and read the vision through Alice's thoughts.

Rae rests her hand on Rosalie's belly as Emmett walks in. They were gonna leave for a while since they graduated high school for like the hundredth time, but Rose is five months pregnant, nearly six. She will be sticking around Forks and Carlisle and Rayna as much as possible.

"You think of any names yet?" Raelynn asks.

"I like the name Henry," Rosalie replies. "Henry was a childhood friend of mine. I'd like my son to have a piece of him."

"And his middle name will be my given last name," Emmett says. "McCarty."

"Henry McCarty Cullen," Rosalie states.

"Beautiful name for my godson," Rae says.

"Why didn't you go to school?" Esme asks Rae.

"I tested out and graduated early before going to the Volturi," Raelynn replies.

"Emmett, can I speak with you?" Rayna asks from the kitchen door way. "It's about an elixir I could mix up." 

Emmett nods and he leaves the ladies to join Rayna in the kitchen to talk formulas and magical elixirs. He is amazed by the witch and the usage of magic, so he listens to every single word Rayna has to say and he doesn't dare interrupt.

"Baby, I had a vision at lunch," Alice says to Raelynn says as she sits beside her, Edward and Bella are at the police station. "I'd like for you to be in the loop, so please..." Alice extends her hand. "Have a read."

Raelynn nods and she grabs Alice's hand and she reads the vision she had about Victoria. Rae's eyes widen and Alice nods, she knows the feeling of Raelynn's surprise.

"She's after Bella, isn't she?" Raelynn asks. "That's why she's in town."

"It's possible, yes," Alice replies. "But I can't be sure without any further visions."

Rae kisses Alice tenderly before she pulls away. "You'll get them whenever Victoria makes a decision."

"I know," Alice replies. "I love you, Raelynn, so much."

"I love you, too, Alice," Rae coos, "so much."

The two smile at each other as Emmett agrees with Rayna. Rayna had told Emmett about the human elixir she has already made up. She mentioned knowing the formula. She's made several and used them successfully back in the 1100s. Rayna offered to make another elixir, for Emmett.

"It will take time," Rayna says once Emmett agrees.

"I understand," Emmett states. "I might be a tad competitive half the time, but I'm pretty patient."

"Without a doubt," Rayna replies. "I'm going out with my friend now. I'll let you know when the elixir is finished."

Emmett watches Rayna go and he goes to the living room to find his wife alone.

"I made Alice and Raelynn leave, they were being mushy," Rosalie says.

Emmett smiles and he sits beside her, he pulls his wife close and kisses the top of her head. He can't help but smile as he thinks about the elixir that Rayna will be starting on soon. He hopes she stays on the reservation to make it to keep vampires from finding and stealing the elixir or the formula ingredients.

"I love you and Henry," Emmett whispers into Rosalie hair.

"We love you, too," Rosalie replies as she snuggles deeper into Emmett's arms while wrapped in a thick blanket. "Forever."

Emmett kisses the top of her head. "Forever."

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