Chapter 29: Highway Don't Care

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Mary Black is driving home from Port Angeles on Valentine's Day. It's coming down a mix of snow and rain, there's even a pretty good amount of fog surround her car. She is struggling to see even a foot ahead of her.

So when Mary sees the animal in the road, it's too late. She swerves and her car goes over the cliff since she was driving on a high road. The car that was driving after her swerves to a stop and rushes to the railing and sees the car blow. The man quickly calls 911.

To: Raelynn.Jones
Subject: SOS
You need to get home soon! Your mother just died.

Rae gasps as she stands up abruptly, her chair falls and clatters against the stone floors. Renata and Demitri hurry in. Renata rushes over when she sees the tears and she grabs Raelynn by the shoulders.

"Rae, what's going on?" Renata asks.

"My mom's dead," she whimpers. "I need..."

"I'll talk to Aro," Demitri says and he's gone.

Rae falls to her knees as she remembers her mother. Renata falls with her and she holds her as the kings all appear.

"Renata, Demitri, how would you two feel about a road trip?" Aro asks. "She needs to be there, but not alone."

"I'll pack for her," Demitri says and he starts rushing around the room to pack Rae's things.

Raelynn runs into Caleb's arms as soon as she gets off the plane after twelve hours. The wolf grunts as he twirls Rae aeound, holding her close while managing to keep a handle on his emotions.

"These are my guards while I'm here, Demitri and Renata," Rae says. "We might stay in the Cullen house."

"I'll text you the funeral arrangements," Caleb says. "I'll have Rachel bring Clara over."

Rae nods and she goes to find a cab. Renata smiles at Caleb before she and Demitri follow Rae. Caleb watches them and he heads back to the reservation.

Rae looks around the empty Cullen house while Demitri and Renata to a perimeter search. Rae goes into the kitchen and finds no food. Which was to be expected. It would all be expired by now anyway.

Raelynn goes up to Carlisle's office and she sits in his chair and she just swirls around.

"Sis!" Clara yells.

Rae gasps and she runs downstairs. Her fourteen year old sister is standing in the foyer, in tears. Clara sees her and she girls forward Andie latches herself to Raelynn. Raelynn drops to Clara's level and the two sisters cry together as Caleb stands by the door with Jared Cameron.

"You guys got her?" Renata asks. "We want to go to Seattle to hunt."

"We got her," Jared replies. "Go ahead."

Renata and Caleb meet eyes before she rushes off wirh Demitri.

"What are their powers?" Jared asks.

"I'm not sure what Renata's is," Rae admits. "I know it, but I don't understand it. Demitri is a tracker. Like the blonde who was after Bella. James."

"He has to be good to be apart of the Volturi," Caleb replies. "I'm gonna step out and call Billy, tell him we're here with you."

Clara moans suddenly and Rae feels her forehead.

"She all right?" Jared asks from for doorway.

"She's burning up," Rae whispers. "Is she...?"

"I think Mary's death triggered it," Jared mutters. "I'll tell Caleb and call Sam."

Rae nods and she helps Clara to the couch, suddenly glad the Cullens left their furniture. The just brought themselves and their things. Raelynn lays Clara down right as Demitri and Renata come back.

"Is she turning into a wolf?" Renata asks. "I've always wondered how they do it."

"Me too," Demitri admits as Caleb comes back in. "And don't worry, Aro won't know that you accociate with the children of the moon, I know how to block some thoughts from him." 

"As of I," Renata says and she places her cold hand on Clara's forehead.

"That feels good," Clara hums as Sam comes walking in with Billy.

"Hey, Raelynn," Sam greets.

Rae goes straight to Billy and she hugs him while Sam makes a beeline towaed a fifteen year old Clara. She turned fifteen just last week, on the seventh of February.

"Mm, it's good to see you, kid," Billy grunts. "The funeral is the day after tomorrow."

"Alright," Rae says. "This is Demitri and Renata, my guards."

"Hey," Renata greets.

"Hello," Demitri greets, his eyes bright crimson from a fresh hint. "When will the girl phase?"

"Probably tonight, or early morning," Sam replies as he stands. "Raelynn, you mind if Jared stays here to keep an eye on your sister?"

"I don't kind," Rae replies. "I'm gonna go upstairs."

Rae kisses Clara on the forehead and she heads upstairs, leaving the wolves and vampires downstairs with Clara.

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