Chapter 30: Returning to Volterra

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The funeral was the worst day of Rae's life, and she was locked away for being different. She buried her mom two days after her little sister turned into a solid gray werewolf, Demitri and Renata were amazed by the process.

But now, they're right now walking back into the castle after a long, twelve hour fight from Port Angeles to Florence. Felix gives Rae a hug and he apologizes for her mother before Rae goes straight to her chambers. Aro has made them her chambers because she is like a daughter to him. Even if she leaves for Forks for good eventually, she will always have a place here.

"Hey," Marcus greets as he enters the room. "Renata told us you had returned."

Rae looks at Marcus, her eyes are blood shot and swollen from crying. Marcus walks over and he sits on the bed beside Rae and he places one of his large hands on her back and Rae breaks down crying for the first real time since she read Billy's email.

Marcus looks at the ground as Rae cries. He understands the hurt of losing someone you love. His wife had been killed and he still has no idea who killed her. He's certain Raelynn does, she touched almost everyone in this castle and saw every one of their thoughts. But he doesn't dare ask her about it. He knows he probably wouldn't be able to handle the truth.

Raelynn watches as Marcus leaves when she finally stops crying. Renata soon comes in, she says that Jane and Alec came to relieve her and Demitri. Renata goes into Rae's personal bathroom and she runs the hot water into the tub so that Rae can bathe.

Rae strips in her room and wraps herself in a satin robe as her Skype rings. Rae sees Alice's face but she doesn't answer. She can't with swollen, red eyes. Though, she probably knows about Rae's mother. Caleb probably emailed Rosalie, and Rosalie probably told her. Or Aro told them.

Rae goes to the bathroom after declining the call and she removes her robe. Renata helps a sobbing Raelynn to the tub and into it. Renata walks into Rae's bedroom to give her some privacy and she finds Aro sitting at the vanity.

"She's in the bath," Renata says.

"Okay," Aro replies. "Thank you for taking care of her, Renata."

"Of course," Renata says. "Raelynn is my friend."

"Lo so," Aro says, he knows that Renata is friends with the human. "I'll be in the throne room, Heidi is bringing out food."

Renata smiles. "I'll be there soon."

Aro nods and he leaves the room.

Rae lays in her bed alone that night when Renata goes to bed. Jane and Alec stand guard was outside her room. She's still assigned two guards for her stay here. She doesn't mind, Raelynn has grown to like each guard. Sure, Renata and Demitri are her favorites, but she likes them all.

Rae flinches when her Skype ringtone fills the room. Raelynn walks over and answers Alice's call this time.

"Hey!" Alice greets. "Aro called Carlisle, told us about your mom. Raelynn, I am so, so, so, so sorry!"

Rae literally flinches at the sound of Alice's voice. This i the first time she's heard it since the Cullens left in September of '05. Alice notices but doesn't say anything about it. She watches as Rae looks around.

"How are you?" Alice asks.

"As well as I can, I did just bury my mom yesterday," Raelynn replies. "Alice, why are you calling me?"

"I wanted to see you," Alice says. "I miss you."

"I miss you, too, but I gave up on contact with you," Raelynn says, not caring for the vampires outside her room. "Rosalie is the only one in contact with me and now, Rayna."

"I know.. I.. I'm sorry," Alice coos. "How's Italy?"

"Great," Rae replies. "How's Alaska?"

"It sucks without you," Alice replies. "I miss you."

"You left," Rae points out right as Demitri walks on and drops on her bed. "Can I help you?" She asks as she turns to face him.

"Nope," Demitri replies as he lays his arm over his eyes. "Just relaxing until Aro has to search for this criminal."

"Don't you have a room?" Rae asks.

"Yes..." is all Demitri says.

Rae rolls her eyes before turning to Alice again. "Sorry. Demitri is helping himself to my bed."

Alice giggles. "You've made friends."

"Oh, Demitri me," Rae muses and a pillow is thrown at her head.

"If I hated you, I wouldn't let you shop for nearly two hours without literally dragging you out of that shop," Demitri grumbles.

"I guess I have some friends," Rae says to Alice. "But Alice, I'm tired."

Alice nods. "All right. Goodnight, Raelynn Jones."

Rae nods and she hands up. She lays beside Demitri and she stares at the ceiling. Demitri rolls over and he looks at her, watching as she begins to cry all over again.

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