Chapter 16: Baseball & Nomads

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Raelynn stretches out as everyone waits for Edward and Bella. There's a thunder storm today, and it's the best day for the vampires to play baseball. Rae knows she won't be playing, she stands no chance against the Cullens, but she's stretching anyway.

As she does a bending stretch, her cell rings.

"Hello?" Rae says into the speaker.

"Rae, it's Jessica," a feminine voice says.

"Hey, Jessica," Rae greets and Alice smiles a little, she saw this happening already.

"Would you like to come out with us in a few hours?" Jessica asks. "I know you're out with Alice right now, but we're going to the diner and stuff, and I wanted to invite you to tag along."

"I'd love to," Rae replies. "I'm sure this game will be over then."

"Alright!" Jessica chirps. "I'll see you soon?"

"See you in a few hours," Raelynn replies and she hands up.

"It'll be good for you to go out with your human friends," Rosalie chirps. "I know we're good friends, but you need your mortals too."

Rae smiles at Rosalie befofe Rosalie's nose turns up in disgust. Raelynn knows that Bella has arrived.

"I'm glad you're here," Esme says to her. "We need an umpire."

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett says with a crooked grin.

"I know you cheat," Esme says with a grin and she turns to Bella. "Call 'em as you see 'em, Bella."

"Okay," Bella replies.

Alice looks up at the sky as a softer rumble of thunder is heard and she smiles a little. "It's time!" Then a deeper rumble of thunder is heard.

Bella stays by Esme, but Rae is behind the batter's mound. She's holding a catcher's glove, though she knows she won't be catching any. That's what Marianna is beside her for. To catch them if, IF anyone misses the hit, which is unlikely.

Edward and Emmett take their positions in the outfield, Alice is at the pitcher's mound. Rosalie takes her place at the batter's mound first and Alice pitches at lightning speed and rosalie smashes her bag against the aluminum bat and the hall goes straight into the trees, the bat against ball making a sound like loud thunder.

"Now I get why you need the thunder," Bella claims.

Edward takes off after the ball, he is the fastest in the coven. Rae is kneeled down beside Marianna and she waits for Edward to help get Rosalie out. Marianna is watching intently as the hall comes flying back and Esme catches it, and Rosalie is out as she slides in.

"You're out..." Bella says.

"Out! Whoo!" Emmett chants and he sees the glare on Rosalie's face. "Babe, come on, its just a game!"

Carlisle pats Rosalie's arms as she passes him. "Nice kitty," he muses before he takes his spot at the batter's mound.

Alice pictures and Carlisle hits it. Edward and Emmett run and they jump at the same time to catch the ball. But instead of catching the hall, the two collide and fall to the ground, laughing at each other, despite Carlisle getting to a base safe as they miss the ball completely.

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