Chapter 11: Field Trip

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"Make sure I get your permission slips," Mr. Molina says to students congregate in the parking lot.

Raelynn is sitting with Alice on the bus designated for the Cullens, they ride in private. Alice is having Rae ride because as of yesterday, they're an official couple and as soon as they made it to school morning, they were the topic of everyone's conversations.

Alice is stroking Rae's bare thumb with her own. Rae feels safe enough around the Cullens to go gloveless. She will put them back on when they make it to the Cole he greenhouse, which is where this field trip is to.

Raelynn has been being called weird ever since she started because she always wears gloves. But Rae doesn't care. She ignores the peoples' vulgar comments about her wearing gloves.

"I was thinking..." Alice says, her voice pulling Rae from her thoughts. "Would you like to go to prom with me?"

"Prom's a month away, Alice," Raelynn says. "You could have asked me sooner."

"I know, but we're right now getting close," Alice coos as Jasper and Marianna get on the bus with Edward. "Do you want to?"

"I'd love to," Raelynn replies. "Prom with Alice Cullen... isn't that every girl's dream?"

Alice laughs a little as Rosalie and Emmett get on the bus. Rosalie is laughing at a joke Emmett told her as they sit behind Alice and Rae.

"Hey, Rae," Emmett greets. "How was the national park? I was wanting to bring Rose once."

"It's beautiful," Rae replies honestly. "Take her to Soc Duc Valley. The waterfall..."

"Waterfall?" Rosalie gushes. "Emmett, you're taking me there on our next date."

"Yes, ma'am," Emmett replies with a smirk and he sits back. "That place it is."

Rae smiles before she turns to look out the bus window. She sees Bella staring at the bus from her truck before going to the other bus. Alice rests her hand on Rae's thigh, her thumb caressing Raelynn's leg over her skinny jeans. 

Raelynn and Alice walk through the greenhouse, hand-in-hand. Rae did as she said to herself and to Alice she would do, she put her gloves back on before getting off the bus. She doesn't feel safe with her ability around every single person. Only her siblings and the Cullens.

Rae spots Rosalie alone a little ways ahead and she walks through the crowd after letting go of Alice's hand.

"Rosalie," Rae says as she catches up to the blonde.

Rosalie smiles at the uniquely gifted human. "Hey, Rae. What's up?"

"Would you want to go to Port Angeles with me tomorrow?" Rae asks. "I want to shop for my prom dress before the stores are all sold out."

"Yeah, I'd like to," Rosalie replies, Alice smiles with Emmett at the bond Rosalie and Rae are building. "I need to find motel as dress, too. Alice finally ask you?"

"Yes, she finally asked me," Rae replies.

"She's throwing you under the bus, Alice," Emmett chuckles. "She is totally worthy of being my sister, rather you're married or not."

Rosalie and Rae get on the bus while Edward talks to Bella outside the bus. Alice is walking with Jasper. Marianna and Emmett are on the bus already.

"There's the girl who stole my mate," Emmett boasts as soon as Rae and Rosalie get into the bus. "How was she?"

"Oh, Emmett, you better watch out, I might steal your girl," Rae jokes wight along with him.

Emmett scoffs, the humor in his eyes. "Please. I had her first."

"Maybe," Rae smirks as she and Rosalie sit together, "but she's never been with a human like me."

Emmett and Raelynn have a stare off, trying to keep their faces straight. Emmett is the first one to fail when he busts out laughing rather loudly as an annoyed Edward gets on the bus. He stops walking at the sound and he sees Emmett laughing and Rae chuckling.

"I'm not gonna ask," Edward murmurs as he reads their minds as Alice and Jasper follow.

Jasper smiles at the happiness on the bus before he goes back to join everyone in the back, along with Alice. Edward is sitting in the seat behind Emmett and now Marianna. Jasper has dropped into the seat in front of Rosalie and Rae with Alice. They all talk and laugh while heading back to the school, to their vehicles.

"How was the trip?" Mary asks her junior and senior.

"It was boring," Caleb complains.

"It was awesome," Rae replies. "I've always been big on recycling."

Mary glances at the recycling bin Rae insisted she get while it was still February. "I know," she replies playfully. "Any plans for tomorrow?"

"Supposed to be sunny," Caleb says. "I'm going to La Push after school."

"I'm going to Port Angeles with Rosalie Hale tomorrow evening," Rae replies. "Prom shopping."

"Prom?" Caleb raises an eyebrow. "Aww, does someone have a date?" He sings.

"Oh, shut up," Rae mumbles as Carla comes skipping into the room. "And yes, I do. Alice asked me to the prom today."

"That's great, Rae!" Mary enthuses. "I'm happy for you... When do I get to meet Alice?"

"When do you want to?" Rae asks.

"How about Saturday?" Mary asks. "I'm off that day. Billy's coming over, too. You can meet him while I meet Alice. I'll cook."

"I'll talk to her about it at school tomorrow," Rae says.

"All right," Mary coos. "Go get cleaned up for dinner. No pasta tonight, baby."

"That's fine," Rae replies before she goes to her room for some clean clothes before going to the bathroom for a shower.

Mary made a chicken-broccoli casserole for dinner that night and Rae really liked it. She helped out the leftovers away and clean up the kitchen before she goes to bed.  

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