Chapter 35: Bella in La Push

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Caleb and Clara are sitting outside Sam and Emily's place. Clara giggles loudly as Seth comes running out and starts to pepper her face with kisses. Caleb smiles at the two imprints as Jacob pulls up on his bike with Bella.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Bella asks. "I'm a vampire girl, remember?"

"Look who's back!" Embry chants as he comes out with Jared, Paul, and Quil.

Bella looks at the porch and sees them, along with Rae's two siblings. Caleb nods in greeting as he joins his brothers side. He takes the empty chicken bone away from Jared and he throws intinto the trash bin he insisted Emily put outside, too,

"Whatup, Bella?" Quil asks.

"Quil, you too?" Bella asks.

"Yep, finally joined the pack," Quil replies. "I'm glad you're here, Bella. Maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue."

Paul nudges Jacob playfully, laughing. "I wish Bella would call."

"I wish Bella wouldn't call," Jared teases.

"Maybe I should call Bella," Embry chimes in.

"Maybe I should call Bella and hang up," Quil taunts.

"Alright, you can shut up now," Jacob says and everyone laughs, using each other around and roughhousing.

Leah comes out of the house and she gives Caleb a kiss square on the lips. Caleb raises an eyebrow at her. Leah simply grins at him before she turns, spotting Bella. Her happy grin turns into a deep scowl.

"Bella, this is Leah Clearwater," Jacob says. "Harry's daughter."

"Hey," Bella greets. "I'm really sorry about your father."

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave," Leah demands and she walks away.

"Fun, isn't she?" Jacob asks Bella.

"Bella! Hi!" Emily greets as she exits the house as Rayna pulls up, she runs straight to Paul, who easily catches her. "I was wondering when we'd see your face around here," Emily coos as she gives Bella a hug.

"Hi," Bella greets.

"Sam, we good?" Jacob asks.

"We're good," Sam replies. "She won't be getting through our line anytime soon."

Caleb sighs as Leah phases and runs into the trees.

"Caleb, go check on her," Sam says. "Please..."

"Already on it, Sam," Caleb replies and he runs off, phasing before he goes into the trees after Leah.

"Was that Raelynn's brother?" Bella asks.

"Yep," Sam replies. "That was Caleb. He and Leah are together."

"And I'm Clara!" The girl with Seth chirps. "I'm Raelynn's little sister."

"I'm Bella," Bella claims.

"I know!" Clara replies and she looks at Seth. "Lets go inside."

Seth smiles goofily and he nods before the young couple heads inside. Bella is surprised by Leah phasing and seeing Clara and Caleb, everything is new to her. She doesn't know how to handle it.

"Bella seems nice," Rayna claims.

"She is, but she can be annoying as hell," Paul replies to his imprint. "Jacob's obsessed with her."

"Even when he knows she will probably always choose Edward?" Rayna asks.

"Yeah," Paul replies as he holds his imprint close while sitting on the couch at his home. "Even then."

"Poor guy," Rayna coos. "Well, I'll always choose you, Paul Anthony."

Paul nuzzles his nose into the crease of Rayna's neck. "And I'll always choose you, Rayna Salvatore."

Rayna smiles as she combs her fingers through Paul's soft hair, humming a soft tune.

Caleb trots through the trees until he finally finds Leah. Her gray wolf is sitting by a river, looking down at the water. He walks up and nuzzles against the wolf who he imprinted on, and the one who imprinted on him.

'Sam send you?' Leah asks.

'No, well, yeah,' Caleb admits. 'But I was already in my way when he told me to come check on you. Leah, you are my priority.'

Leah nuzzles against Caleb's wolf. Leah thought she'd never imprint and get over Sam but then she met Caleb Jones, and looked him in the eyes. Her world disappeared, as well as her feelings for Sam. She had imprinted on Caleb, and he imprinted on her, too.

Alice and Raelynn lay in Rae's bed together, both naked. Alice runs her finger softly down Rae's bare stomach after giving her one more kiss. 

"I love you," Raelynn whispers.

"I love you, too," Alice coos. "I miss you while I'm in school."

"I know, and I miss you when you're in school," Raelynn replies. "I was so upset that you left, but I understood."

"I knew you would," Alice coos as she leans on one elbow. "You're so understanding."

"Yeah," Rae replies. "But now? I'm just glad you're back and I'm laying her beside you. You are my priority, Mary Alice Brandon-Cullen."

Alice kisses Raelynn deeply before pulling away. "And you're my priority, Raelynn Elianna Jones."

The two look each other in the eyes before they meet half way, and kiss each other deeply, going into round two.

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