Chapter 41: Henry McCarty Cullen

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September 13th.

Alice and Edward and Bella have left for Bella's 'birthday present'. Rosalie feels water gush from between her legs and it platters all over the floor. Carlisle smiles.

"Rose, are you ready to be a mom?" Carlisle asks.

Rosalie nods as Emmett picks her up. He rushes her to the medical room. The one they used for Bella before she turned. Rosalie whimpers as the first contraction hits.

Rayna comes running in with Paul Lahote. He's been crossing the treaty since its now void. Rayna walks over to Rosalie's exposed half and she uses her fingers to check for dilutions.

"That was fast," Rayna announces as Paul stands by Rosalie's head. "You're ready to push, Rosalie."

Rosalie grabs onto both Emmett and Paul's hands and she squeezes as hard as she can. Paul literally growls at the pain but he stops growling as the sound of a baby's cries fill the room.

"Here's your baby," Rayna says as Emmett cuts the umbilical cord.

Rayna lays the baby on Rosalie's espoused chest and she removes the afterbirth. Paul looks at the wrong time and he holds out of the house to throw up all in the yard. He saw the after birth,

"Henry McCarty Cullen," Rosalie says.

Emmett stares at the baby in awe as Rosalie breast feeds. She took the human elixir just earlier so she will stay human. Rayna is almost through creating the same elixir for Emmett.

"I'm a dad," Emmett whispers. "Huh."

"And now we have a little Emmett in the world," Esme coos as she walks over. "Hi, Henry! I'm your grandmother, Esme."

Esme caresses Henry's cheek and she smiles adoringly the newbirn, especially when he smiles a toothless grin. Emmett smiles when Rosalie finishes end burps him, and he carefully takes Henry.

"You won't break him, Emmett," Jasper says. "Promise."

Emmett just stares down at the newborn in his arms.  "He kinda looks like me, doesn't he?"

"Yeah," Esme coos. "I see you and Rose in him."

Alice comes skipping in and she beams when she sees a baby. She takes a picture and sends it to Raelynn. Emmett continues staring at Henry, he is in complete awe that he created something so... small. He finally smiles and he begins talking in baby talk to Henry, making Rosalie smile.

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