Chapter 14: A Jones/Black wedding

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On the big day, Rae and Alice get dressed together and then go to Rosalie's bedroom, where Mary is at. Rosalie has just finished doing Mary's hair nicely. She smiles at her daughter and she looks at Alice.

"Is he here yet?" Mary asks. "Or did he flee?"

"Billy is waiting just out back," Alice assures the woman. "Don't you worry." She then jumps into doing Mary's makeup.

Raelynn walks downstairs and steps outside. The pack's here, with permission. Sam phased first. After Sam, it was Jared Cameron - a boy who was born ed and raised on the reservation, like Sam. And then there was Paul Lahote, he was born in Tucson, Arizona but moved to La Push when his parents divorced when he was around eight.

"Billy," Rae breathes as she walks up to the man. "Hey."

"You look lovely, Rae," Billy compliments.

"Thank you," Raelynn says. "But wait until you see mom. She is breathtaking."

"I'll say," Billy muses as Paul and Jared walk over. "Raelynn, this is Paul Lahote and Jared Cameron. Jared, Paul, this is my soon-to be new daughter, Raelynn Jones."

"Hey," Jared replies and he gives Rae a small hug.

Paul does the same thing, just without greeting Rae verbally. The Cullens are invited because of Mary, and Rae. Carla is sitting with the Clearwater's. She's talking away with Seth Clearwater, Harry and Sue's youngest, a boy that helped her outgrow her crush on Jasper and she now has on Seth.

Raelynn wheels Billy to the alter when it gets closer to time and she heads to her seat. Mary has asked Caleb to walk her down the isle.

Sam has been keeping a close eye on Caleb. He's eighteen and he's next to phase, he's done told Billy and Mary that Caleb's next.

As soon as the bridal march begins, everyone stands and faces the french doors. Billy twists his wheelchair and his eyes immediately fill with tears when he sees Mary in a gorgeous wedding gown with her hair and makeup done up perfectly.

Jacob smiles at his almost new mom. Rebecca and Rachel grab each other's hands as Mary walks down the isle with Caleb. Carla and Seth watch as Mary and Caleb walk down the isle together.

"We are gather here today for the marriage of Billy Black and Mary Jones," the minister says and he turns to Mary. "Please, repeat after me. I, Mary Jones..."

"I, Mary Jones," Mary repeats.

"Take Billy Black..."

"Take Billy Black..."

Jacob gives Raelynn a hug at the reception. "Welcome to the family, Rae."

"Hey!" Rachel greets as she comes walking over after leaving Paul. "I'm Rachel, your new sister."

"Hey," Raelynn greets with a smile.

"Like Jake just said, welcome to the family," Rachel says and she goes to find either her dad and Mary, Caleb, or Carla - whoever comes first on her search.

"What are you going to do about Alice?" Jax's asks. "Now that you're once reservation?"

"We're still together and I'll still be in a Forks daily seeing either her, Caleb, or going to school," Raelynn says. "Carla convinced mom to switch her schools, but I want to stay in Forks High for Alice." 

"Hey!" Alice chirps as she comes skipping up wearing a long, peach colored dress and some flats. "Hi, Jacob. Congratulations on your dad getting married."

"Thanks," Jacob says and he walks away.

Alice takes Raelynn's hand as 'I'm Not a Perfect Person' by Hoobastank comes on. She pulls her to the dance floor and they dance close together.

"How good of an Italian cook are you?" Alice asks as she and Rae walk into the Cullen house after sending Billy and Mary off on their honeymoon.

"I'm pretty good, why?" Raelynn asks as they get to the kitchen.

"Edward is bringing Bella over tomorrow," Esme replies from the kitchen counter. "Could you teach us how to cook? I can make simple things in the microwave or a macorini and cheese. But I haven't had much experience cooking..."

"Yeah," Raelynn replies. "When?"

"Are you sleeping over tonight?" Esme asks.

"Yes," Rae replies.

"Good," Esme replies. "We can go grocery shopping in the morning, and you can show us what to do."

"Sounds like a plan, Esme," Raelynn replies befofe Alice drags her away. 

"Rosalie told me about your conversation," Alice claims.

"Which part?" Rae asks.

"About the baby," Alice replies. "Is that something you would want in our future? A baby?"

"Yes," Raelynn replies. "Would you?"

"Yes," Alice replies as she strokes a finger gently on Rae's bare stomach after raising her black tank top. "Raelynn Elianna Jones, I love you... So, so much."

"Mary Alice Brandon Cullen, I love you, too," Raelynn replies. "Always."

"And forever," Alice whispers and she kisses Raelynn on the lips. "Mmm, I love you."

Rae giggles as Alice begins tickling her suddenly. Her giggles soon turn into full on laughs, which makes her snort, making Emmett bust out into a booming laugher in the first floor... two stories down. There's a thump, signaling that Emmett literally fell down laughing.

"I'm okay!" Emmett yells.

Alice and Raelynn share a look before they laugh at Emmett being himself.

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