Chapter 25: Unexpected Offer

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Raelynn stands at the doors waiting for Rosalie and Emmett's arrival. Emmett texted her and said they were on the grounds of Volterra. Rae is bouncing on her feed. Demitri and Felix are standing a little way back.

As soon as Rosalie steps inside, Rae throws herself at the blonde. Rosalie laughs as she twirls the gifted human around as Emmett and Carlisle enter.

"He wouldn't let us come alone," Emmett says to Felix.

"Aro don't mind," Demitri says. "Please, come. They're waiting."

Rae grabs Rosalie's hand and she drags her toward the elevator.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Emmett asks.

"Tell me about it," Demitri grumbles. "When she's around her guard bestie, we're all left out in the gutter."

Emmett smiles. "Yeah. That sounds like Rae."

"Hmm," Demitri hums as they all enter the elevator.

"What is this about?" Rosalie asks.

"All I know is that it's life-changing," Rae replies. "I'm not sure what it is. Aro wanted to wait until you got here to talk about it. Oh, and hi, Carlisle."

"Hello, Raelynn," Carlisle greets. "How have you been?"

"I'm good, been good," Raelynn replies. "This place has helped a lot, Aro has helped."

"Good," Carlisle replies as the elevator dings and the door opens. "I haven't been here since I left."

"It hasn't changed much," Felix claims as he knocks on the doors, Renata and Alec open the doors.

"Carlisle!" Aro laughs creepily as Renata and Raelynn share a knowing look. "Well, this is a surprise!"

"I apologize for the surprise pop-up, I couldn't let Emmett and Rosalie come alone," Carlisle claims.

"Oh, nonsense," Aro replies. "You're always welcome."

Raelynn skips over to where Jane and Renata are, she stands in between the female guards. Carlisle looks around the throne room, reminiscing on the times he spent here. He sighs, Felix wasn't lying. It's the same.

"Rosalie, I presume," Aro says as he approaches her.

"Yes," Rosalie replies.

"May I?" Aro asks as he holds out his hand expectantly.

Rosalie looks at Carlisle, he nods to her reassuringly. Saying that it's okay. Rose nods and she places her hand in Aro's. He places his other hand on top as Emmett watches curiously as he stands between Felix and Demitri.

"You wish to be a mother?" Aro asks.

Rosalie's eyes widen. "Ye...yes..."

Aro turns to Emmett and he releases Rosalie. Emmett hesitantly steps forward and let's Aro get a read on him.

Aro returns to his throne. "Caius?"

"Rosalie, Emmett, we found a potion," Caius says. "Well, our witch has found a potion. She can give you two a chance to have a baby. A human baby."

Rosalie's eyes widen. "What are you saying?"

"We can out the potion in blood or you can have it raw," Aro says. "As soon as you take it, you can..." Aro pauses for the right words. "Try for a child and Rosalie, you will fall pregnant."

"Will... it be like a regular, human pregnancy?" Carlisle asks curiosity, amazed by this information.

"That is what our witch said, yes," Athenadora replies, the queens are there. "Nine months. Morning sickness. A bladder. Sleep."

"Sleep!?" Rosalie gasps, a grin spreading on her face. "A baby? A bladder? Morning sickness? All of it?"

Athenadora smiles. "Yes. All of it."

"And you can eat," Sulpicia adds, grinning. "Actual food, while you're pregnant."

"You can take the night to decide if you like," Aro says. "You can stay in Raelynn's room. She has two guards posted outside her door nightly."

"Thank you," Rosalie breathes.

"Which guarda do you want tonight, Raelynn?" Aro asks kindly, his softer demeanor surprising Carlisle.

"Demitri and Renata, my usual," Raelynn replies.

"Again?" Demitri asks dramatically but shuts up at the glare. "Sorry," he mumbles.

Emmett smirks at her before they all head out.

"Wow," Rosalie gushes as she looks around Rae's room. "You're spoiled."

"Aro and I have developed a father/daughter bond," Rae says. "One my father and I never shared..." She looks at Rosalie, and Rose knows the look in her eyes.

"Alice is good," Rosalie says. "Ooh!" She gasps as she sees the frosted rose. "Oh! This is gorgeous!"

"Renata gave it to me on the first day of winter," Rae replies. "She had an elemental do some work on it. It'll live forever. Like an immortal."

"An immortal flower," Emmett snorts. "Nice."

Raelynn walks over to her window and she opens the curtains, showing her amazing view of Volterra. The snow coats the ground and it's still falling. Rosalie walks over and she looks out, too, smiling.

"Rose, you and Emmett can go to the garden to talk," Rae says. "Want me to have one of my guards go with you?"

"Would you?" Rosalie asks.

Rae nods and she goes out in to the hall. "Can one of you bring Rosalie and Emmett to the garden? They want to talk about the offer."

"I'll get Felix," Demitri said and he is gone in a second, but is back in the same amount of time with Felix. "Here ya go."

Felix and Emmett joke around as the head down the hall, and Rae joins Carlisle in her room.

"Does Alice know I'm here?" Rae asks.

"She did after your skype call with Rosalie and Emmett," Carlisle replies. "She's worried."

"She shouldn't be," Rae says. "I feel safe. I know my ability is a gift, and not a curse."

"Good," Carlisle says with a soft smile. "So, catch me up. How's life?"

Raelynn grins and she jumps into everything she remembers since they left.

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