Chapter 31: Reunions

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It's been yet another month since the Cullens have been in Alaska. Raelynn is sitting with Renata at the table in the throne room, while the kings sit in their thrones. The doors open and the air is sucked out of Rae's lungs as Edward Cullen walks in.

"Edward..." she breathes.

Edward doesn't look at her as he walks up to the kings. He had already seen them once while Rae was in the garden wirh Demitri. Edward stops when he is directly in front of Aro, Caius, and Marcus.

"So,you've mDe up your minds?" Edward asks, though he can read each one of their minds.

"It was an intriguing debate," Aro tells Edward; this debate is why Aro made Demitri being Rae out to the garden for a while. "We've rarely encountered a vampire who would willingly end his own existence. Pathetic. Disgraceful. I'm afraid your particular gifts are too valuable to destroy, but... if you're unhappy with your lot, join us." He extends his arms. "We would be delighted to utilize your skills." Aro clasps his hands together as Rae watches them. "Won't you consider staying with us?"

"You know what will happen anyway," Edward says, Rae can see the pain in his face and can't help but wonder what happened to cause such pain.

"Not without cause," Marcus says as he slowly turns his head to look at the sad vampire.

Edward's jaw clenches and he nods. He turns around. He looks at Rae, he's surprised to see her here. Since he was out of contact with the coven, no one told him Rae was spending the past few months with the Volturi. He doesn't greet her or nothing, he just walks out of the room.

Aro glances over at Marcus before he turns to watch Edward's retreating form. "Such a waste," he says.

"Dad, may I go to the library across the grounds?" Rae asks. "Renata and Alec could come with me."

"Take Afton," Aro says. "I need Renata. Afton is the highest ranked members within our guard."


"Mental invisibility, ma'am," Afton claims. "I can make myself mentally invisible to anyone. It protects me."

"Let's go!" Rae claims and they head out.

Felix and Demitri are sent to retrieve Edward and they find Bella in his works. A shirtless Edward turns to face the two guards. Felix is still the taller one, broader one. Demitri is shorter and slender, elegant.

"I won't be needing your services after all, gentlemen," Edward claims.

"Aro wants to speak with you again," Felix claims.

"No rules were broken,' Edward claims.

Demitri smiles, but one can tell he doesn't agree. He is more gracious between him and Felix, it's why Rae is his friends. But don't let that fool you, Demitri is no less dangerous than Felix. 

"We should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue," Demitri speaks up.

"Fine," Edward agrees. "Bella, why don't you go and enjoy the festival?"

"The girl comes with us," Felix demands.

"That's not going to happen..."

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