Chapter 15: Italiano for Bella

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Raelynn has started some Italian music to play in the background, to get the mood set. Emmett and Esme are helping Raelynn prepare some baked ziti with sausage. Rosalie is holding onto a salad bowl whole Marianna cuts the vegetables, Alice and Jasper went out for a hunt.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asks wirh an attitude.

"Her name is Bella," Emmett replies.

Esme inhales deeply. "Here comes the human!" She sings. "No offense, Raelynn."

"None taken," Raelynn replies.

"Rae, what do I do now?" Emmett asks as Edward and Bella walk in, Emmett waves at Bella with a knife in his hand.

"First off, Emmett, put the knife down before you stab me with it. I might be cursed, but I'm still human and I don't want to bleed to death," Rae says and Emmett immediately puts the knife down.

"Bella," Esme says warmly as she approaches the couple, "we're making italiano for you."

"This is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes," Edward says softly to Bella.

"Bon giorno?" Bella says, testing her Italian.

"Molto bene!" Esme exclaims happily.

"You've given Raelynn an excuse to teach us how to cook properly," Carlisle says as he moves over to Raelynn to help at the stove. "How long does this bake for?"

"It'll be done soon," Raelynn says.  "And I made you guys something, too," she says. "For when Bella's not here."

"I hope you're hungry," Esme coos.

"Oh, absolutely," Bella claims..

"She already ate," Edward says and Bella gives him a look.

The bowl in Rosalie's hand suddenly shatters all over the floor beneath her. Rose steps over it.

"Perfect," she hisses.

"I just assumed - - because you don't eat, you know..." Bella stumbled for words, not knowing what to say to them.

"Of course," Esme coos as Rae shakily cooks.

"Hey, relax," Emmett whispers to her and he lays his big hand over Rae's. "Rose means no harm to you. Okay?"

"I need more veggies for another salad," she whispers.

"I'll get you some in a minute," Emmett replies.

"That was very considerate of you," Esme adds once Emmett and Rae are finished whispering amongst themselves.

"Ignore her," Edward says to Bella. "I do."

"Yes, let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us," Rosalie hisses.

Emmett sighs from beside Rae and he walks around the counter. He leans against the post beside Rosalie, just in case he needs to calm his mate down.

"I would never, ever tell anyone," Bella insists.

"She knows that," Carlisle claims as Raelynn scoffs and she goes to the fridge.

"The problem is, you two have gone public now, so..."

"Emmett!" Esme scolds whole Rae begins grabbing the vegetables herself.

"No, she should know," Rosalie says and she looks directly at Bella while Emmett goes to help Rae. "The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly."

"...badly?" Bella murmurs as Emmett helps Rae cut up vegetables for a salad. "Oh... Badly. Like, where I become the meal..."

Emmett laughs a little, so does Rae and Edward. Esme even chuckles as Edward wraps an arm around Bella. Rosalie stares between them all and she steps back.

"I'm sorry about the food, Raelynn," Rosalie murmurs.

"You must be on your vampire period," Raelynn says. "Because that lettuce did nothing to you."

Rosalie rolls here eyes, but grins overall, regardless.

"Hi, Bella!" Alice chirps as she and jasper enter the house.

Alice walks over to the human with a bounce in her step while Jasper goes to stand near Marianna.

"I'm Alice," she claims and she hugs bella. "You do smell good..."

"Alice..." Edward murmurs.

"It's alright," Alice chirps as she makes her way to Raelynn. "Bella and I are going to be great friends. Isn't that right, baby?"

"Yep," Raelynn replies. "Emmett, I forgot tomatoes."

"Got it, boss," Emmett replies and he goes to the fridge.

Bella then looks at Jasper. He is standing as close to Marianna as he can, but as far from Bella as possible. He looks like he's in pain.

"Pleasure to meet you," Jasper says.

"Sorry about him," Carlisle says. "He's the newest vegetarian."

"It's okay, Jasper," Rae says as she walks over and places a hand in his silent chest. "You won't hurt her. You haven't hurt me yet."

Raelynn looks at Rosalie when Bella's gone. "Are you going to throw a fit if I ask you to clean up your mess?"

Rosalie scoffs but she listens anyway. Raelymm gives Alice a kiss before she leaves for home... Aka, La Push.

Jacob is playing a video game in the living room when Rae shows up. She bids her good nights before going bed. Rebecca helped Billy set up her old room for Raelynn.

Rae changes into something comfy and goes to bed.

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