Chapter 22: Operation make Marcus smile

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It's been another month. It's Thanksgiving now. Raelynn doesn't see the point in celebrations, she's the only human practically living in the royal castle in Volterra. Rae and Aro did as Sulpicia had guessed in October. They built a pretty strong father/daughter bond.

Raelynn had a mission today. 'Operation makes Marcus smile'. Her caretaker at the hospital always said she had a talent for knitting. So, she's going to make Marcus something.

Raelynn finds her way to the throne room once Felix came to get her, when the kings weren't busy. Marcus is just leaving when she enters.

"Miss Cullen!" Caius breathes. "With what do we owe this unexpected visit?"

"Since today is thanksgiving in my country, I wanted to do something here," Rae says. "I won't cook since I'm the only human here. But I want to do something for king Marcus."

Athenadora raises an eyebrow, "like what?"

"I want to make him smile," Rae says. "Carlisle said she last time he wa a happy was when..."

"Didyme was alive," Sulpicia finishes for her.

"Yeah," Rae says. "Do you have any images of her and colored thread?"

Sulpicia beans suddenly. "Are we crafting something?"

"Ooh, are we?" Athenadora asls as she and Sulpicia suddenly appear in front of the human, Caius pinches the bridge of his nose.

"King Aro?" Rae looks at him with puppy dog eyes, ones that Sulpicia has noticed makes Aro's dead heart melt. 

Aro rolls his neck, making Sulpicia grin as he suddenly disappears and reappears. "This is my sister, Didyme."

"Thanks!" Rae says and she leaves with the queens.

"Oh," Caius sighs. "That human has wormed her way into all of our dead hearts and how it's Marcus's turn."

"It appears so," Aro replies with a smile. "I knew she was going to win us all over as soon as I saw her ability."

"Mmm," Caius hums. "I saw it in your eyes, brother."

Athenadora helps Rae sew quilts together

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Athenadora helps Rae sew quilts together. Raelynn has already sewn the picture of Didyme onto a large black silk quilt. She made the picture with different colored threats and it looks exactly like the image Aro had gotten for her.

Sulpicia soon returns with some more red fabric, she went to a little shop in the town with a few of the guards and got it. Rae has said they ran out of red, so she went and fetched some more.

"Grazie, Sulpicia," Rae smiles.

Sulpicia smiles as she grabs some more thread from across the room. The queens and Rae are in the library basement across the grounds. Felix, Demitri, Alec, and Jane are all with them in the basement, and a few more guards are stationed upstairs.

"You're very talented," Athenadora comments as she sews a red piece of fabric onto the quilt, away from Didyme's face.

"Thank you," Raelynn smiles. "All we need are these black squares of fabric to be sewn on," she adds and she begins sewing them.

"Jane, Alec, walk me back to the castle," Sulpicia says. "I'll tell Aro and Caius that the gift for Marcus is nearly done."

The twins nod and the lead Sulpicia back. Athenadora and Rae share a smile before they continue working.

Raelynn folds up the quilt with Didyme's face inside as she and Athenadora are led back to the castle by the guards that are with that. They are then brought to the throne room. Rae sighs in relief when she sees Marcus.

Athenadora smiles at Raelynn before she joins her husband. Rae looks at Aro and Caius, both of whom nod. Rae smiles and she walks up to Marcus, who is staring at her emotionlessly.

"The queens and I worked very hard on this, king Marcus," Rae says as she extends his arms. "I hope that it peaks your interest."

Marcus watches her suspiciously as she backs away, Raelynn is standing between Demitri and Renata. Renata can shield herself and others, repelling physical attacks and can confuse her attacker and forget their purpose. And Demitri is a tracker, like James was.

Marcus looks down at the fabric in his hand and he slowly, and hesitantly unfolds it and his death heart almost, ALMSOT feels like it is beating out of his chest as he looks at the face of his dead wife. Aro's jaw inhinges at how well Rae did.

Marcus's crimson eyes snap towaed Rae ans he holds her eyes. "Did you make this?"

"I made Didyme's face, Athenadora sewed the squares around her," Rae replies.

Marcus's eyes are filled with venom and he actually smiles. Raelynn mentally smiles, knowing her mission was accomplished.

"That was very kind of you," Remata whispers.

"Yes, it was," Sulpicia says with a grin. "This is a sight we thought we would never see again."

Marcus stands and he walks down the steps, and he stops right in front of Raelynn. "You have a spot in our castle for if you wish you join," he says gruffly and he leaves.

Aro and Caius share a surprised look before looking at Rae, who looks pale. Felix leads Rae back to her room and she sits in her bed without a word as Felix stands guard outside.

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