Chapter 13: Sunny Day

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"You're not gonna bail on me, are you?" Raelymm asks Rosalie in the Cullen house, today is the second sunny day in a row and Rosalie decided to go to Port Angeles today... As soon as the sun lowers some.

"Nope, I'm not bailing this time," Rosalie declares. "But you better go before your mother finds a way to kill us all if you're late for school."

Rae smiles before she leaves the house in her wide-legged rainbow colored pants, black tank top, and some cute flats. An outfit Alice picked out for her. Raelynn gets into her car and she goes to school.

As soon as the sun lowers just enough, Raelynn goes to the Cullen house. Marianna and Alice have done went to Port Angeles for their dresses. Rosalie is standing on the balcony waiting. As soon as Rose sees a familiar red vehicle pull up, she jumps down and rushes to it in top speed and gets in.

"Hey," Rosalie greets.

Raelynn drives to Port Angeles and she finds a shop that's open. When they walk in, Angela and Jessica are checking themselves out in dresses.

"Raelynn!" Jessica greets. "And... Rosalie? Hey."

"Hi," Rosalie greets. "Where did you find those amazing dresses?"

Jessica beams, knowing that if Rosalie Hale likes her dress then she has to buy it. The dirty blonde hurriedly walks across the store, she leads Rosalie and Raelynn to the dresses before returning to Angela.

"Those mortal friends of yours are something," Rosalie comments as she looks through the racks for the perfect dress. "If my attitude to certain humans ever hurts your feelings, I apologize now."

"It's alright," Raelynn replies. "Rose, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Rosalie says as they pick out three dresses each and head to a dressing room.

"If in the future, Alice and I go to a sperm bank for a baby..." Raelynn starts, Rosalie listens as she tries on a golden dress, one she isn't too fond of. "Would you and Emmett want you be the baby's godparents?"

"Yes," Rosalie replies instantly. "I mean... I'll talk to Emmett about it."

Raelynn smiles as she tries on a dress, and she picks it. "I found my dress," she says as she changes into her everyday clothes.

"I think I have," Rosalie says as she tries on a deep blue dress. "Yeah... I have."

Raelynn smiles as she steps out, literally at the same time as Rosalie. The girls go to the counter right before Angela and Jessica, and they pay for their dresses before leaving. Raelynn stops by an Italian restaurant.

Rosalie tells them she's on a special diet, so she's not eating. Raelynn eats a chicken Parmesan. Keeping her meal simple-ish, and delicious.

"Do you want to become a vampire?" Rosalie asls Raelynn softly, quiet enough so no one else but Rae can hear.

"No," Raelynn replies. "Not right now, anyway. I want a chance to live."

"What about the Volturi?" Rosalie asks. "They'll find out you they know. They find out anything they want to know."

"Do you think they'd kill a mortal with my curse?" Raelynn asks.

"Why do you call it a curse?" Rosalie asks; she believes her, Aro would be too amazed by the fact she's a mortal with a vampire's ability.

"My father made me feel as if it was," Raelynn replies. "As soon as I told him, he had me locked away. I woke up oen day when I was fourteen and I had no idea where I was, Rose. I felt like a monster with a curse."

Rosalie reaches forward and she touches Raelynn's hand. She doesn't say a word, but she doesn't need to. Rae knows that Rosalie is there for her without having to use her words.

"Hey!" Alice chirps as Raelynn walks into the cullen house wirh Rosalie. "You find your dress?"

"I found my prom dress and my dress for my mother's wedding," Rae replies. "She did choose peach, right?"

"Yes," Alice replies with a smile. "Come, let's go upstairs."

Raelynn goes upstairs with Alice to see the rest of the coven.

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