Chapter 27: Rayna meets the Denali

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The following day, Emmett and Rosalie leave wirh Carlisle and Rayna. Rayna is a witch who is over two thousand years old. She has been in cahoots with the Volturi. She like them, but Rayna wants to get our on her own, and join a coven instead of just simply helping one.

Carlisle carries her by foot and then arrive in Denali, Alaska within several hours due to their crazy speed. Eleazar and Carmen were surprised to meet a witch, a real witch. Irina, Kate, and Tanya were amazed.

Jasper and Marianna were more intrigued when Rayna told them about the elixir Rosalie and Emmett took,name so was Alice. Esme was thrilled about the idea of being a 'grandmother' to a human baby. She has already begun praying for it to work.

Rayna is outside now, watching as the sun sets behind some trees.

"It's lovely here, isn't it?" Eleazar asks as he steps out beside the witch.

"It certainly isn't Greece or Italy," Rayna replies. "Alaska is beautiful."

"What made you join the Olympic coven?" Eleazar asks curiously.

"I have been in cahoots with the Volturi ever since Aro was turned," Rayna begins. "I was ready to get away, Aro knew this. So when he had Raelynn contact Rosalie got my elixir and told me about Carlisle and his coven, I just had to, you know? So, I asked that if they accepted, I ask Carlisle to join his coven."

"You're the same age as Aro?" Eleazar asks.

"Just one hundred years older," Rayna muses, making Eleazar crack a grin. "Rosalie and Emmett... I think they'll be very happy with the outcome of the elixir."

"Have you done this before with other vampires?" Eleazar asks.

"Five of them," Rayna replies. "In different parts of the world."

"And they all worked?"

"Yes," Rayna replies. "All five have healthy teenagers now. Human teenagers. And the parents are both vampires."

"Emmett said he felt... different and tingly," Eleazar says. "How does the elixir work?"

"This will feel like too much information," Rayna warns.

"I've probably heard worse, Miss Salvatore," Eleazar muses.

"Please, call me Rayna," Rayna insists.

"All right, Rayna," Eleazar replies as Carmen steps out, smiling. "Tell me."

"With Emmett, it built his sperm, brought them back to life and boy let me tell you, his sperm now are strong as hell but they won't live after Rosalie gets a positive pregnancy test," Rayna explains. "Rosalie's eggs are ready for the sperm now. She now has a work jig bladder and a..."

"Oh my god! I'm on my period!" Rosalie exclaims from inside, Esme flashes away and back with tampons.

"And a period," Rayna continues. "That'll help her see if she's pregnant. An accurate pregnancy test can tell her positive or negative accurately within four or five days after a missed period. The elixir in her lasts until she gives birth."

"Will it be one baby or two?" Carlisle asks as he steps outside.

"Carlie, Rosalie could have up to four babies at once wirh my elixir," Rayna says as she glances over her shoulder. "It's a good things vampires don't sleep...Oh, and I'd have someone go get food. Rosalie will be hungry now, too. She has to be strong for the baby. The baby or babies will think Rosalie is human. So no blood, when she's hungry, she will want food."

"Esme and I will go," Carmen says kindly.

"Thank you," Carlisle says softly. "Rayna, thank you, too."

"Don't thank me," Rayna says. "Thank Raelynn. She's the one who told Aro and Caius that it was Rosalie that wanted a baby in the coven."

"Raelynn did this?" Rosalie whimpers. "I know who the god mother is."

Emmett chuckles. "Rayna, how many times can we try?"

"Emmett, you're still a vampire and her blood from her period and in her veins now is human," Rayna says. "Wait until her period is done this month and then try again, and go until she gets a positive, yeah?"

"Good idea," Emmett says and he goes inside.

Rayna smiles at Rosalie. "This was all Rae's doing. All I did was go to Volterra with two portions of the elixir."

"I'll thank her whenever we talk again," Rosalie says.

"How is Raelynn?" Alice asks.

"Raelynn is her mate," Carlisle says.

"She's good," Rayna says. "She and aro are real close. He's a father figure to her, that makes Caius and Marcus her uncles. While you guys aren't around her, that's the safest place that gifted mortal can be."

"I'm glad she's good," Alice whispers.

"She has your prom picture in her room framed," Carlisle says with a smile. "She still loves you, Alice."

Rayna looks out and watches the sun sets. Eleazar squeezes them witch's shoulder before he walks inside. Carlisle has a seat with Rayna and he looks at the sunset, too, while Rosalie sleeps away the past seventy-two, almost seventy-three years of lack of sleep. 

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