Chapter 24: SOS email

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Raelynn dresses in some black leather pants, a hot pink blouse that hugs her body, some black knee length high heeled boots, and a leather jacket. She brushes her wavy hair before she opens her door. Felix and Demitri are standing there.

"You got that yesterday," Demitri points out.

"Yes, sir, I did," Rae replies. "See? That hour and forty-five minutes was well worth it."

"If you say so," Demitri mutters, making Felix chuckle as they head toward the throne room.

Rae follows the guards to the throne room. Aro walks down the stairs and he leads Rae on in, Felix and Demitri join the other guards at the side of the room. Jane nods in greeting towaed Raelynn, Rae returns the gesture as Aro sits in his throne.

"I have to ask you a question," Caius says in a serious tone.

"O...okay," Rae replies as she glances between each king, all three of them look serious.

Aro is in his usual center throne, his thumb and his index finger wrapped around his chin, or so it looks. Caius is to his left, like always, and Marcus to their right. Sulpicia and Athenadora aren't in the room, miraculously. With the queens absent, Raelynn knows it's something serious.

"What's your question?" Raelynn asks.

"Which one of your coven wants a child?" Caius asks. "A... human child."

"Rosalie," Rae replies without hesitation. "It's why she despises being immortal so bad. She wanted a baby."

"Is there any way you can contact her and her mare and get them here?" Aro asks.

"When do you want them here?" Rae asks.

"As soon as possible," Marcus drones. "If you can contact them."

"Demitri, bring Raelynn back to her chambers," Aro demands. "I'll check in later."

Demitri nods and he nods to Renata, knowing better than to give Rae one guard. Aro is over protective over her, like a father is their only daughter. Renata and Demitri lead Rae to her chambers.

Raelynn goes to her desk where her laptop is and she opens it. She types in her password, 1901, aka the year Alice was born. Rae goes to her email and she types in Rosalie's name.

To: Rosalie.H-McCarty
From: Raelynn.Jones
Subject: SOS
Message: I need you to skype me or call me ASAP.

Rae reads over the email once more before she hits send. Raelynn removes her leather jacket and drops it on her bed. As soon as the leather hits her bed, her Skype rings and she sees Rosalie's gorgeous face. Raelynn walks over and answers.

"SOS?" Rosalie asks as Alice watches from afar.

"How fast can you and Emmett, only you and Emmett, get to Volterra?" Raelynn asks as Demitri enters.

"Hold on," Rosalie says. "Emmett!" She calls.

"God, she's loud, miss Cullen," Demitri scowls.

"Yeah, but she's my best friend," Rae muses.

"Did the kings say why they wanted to ask you that?" Demitri asks as Rosalie waits for Emmett.

"No," Rae replies. "Just told me to get in contact with Rose-bud."

Demitri nods once and he goes to leave but stops. "I don't know why, but Aro says you're allowed to call him dad?"

Rae blushes a little.

"Rae!" Emmett boasts as he sits in front of the camera. "You look good, how's life in Italy?"

"I love it," Rae admits. "But Emmett, now, how fast can you and Rose get to Volterra?"

"How fast do you need us, sis?" Emmett asks.

"As soon as immortally possible," Rae says. "The kings won't say what they want but they asked me a question, I answered Rose, and they want you two here."

"Are we in trouble, Miss Cullen?" Rosalie asks.

Rae shakes her head. "No. You're not. But you will be if you tell anyone I said my last name's Cullen."

"You are a Cullen," Emmett says. "We'll be there soon."

Rae nods and she hands up right as Aro enters. "Rosalie and Emmett will be here soon, dad."

"Very well," Aro says. "I would like you to be in the throne room when we speak to Rosalie and Emmett."

"All right," Raelynn replies. "Just tell Demitri and Renata when they arrive."

Aro nods and he watches as Rae walks back over to her desk. She is getting on a game. He smiles a little at the girl he has began seeing as a daughter and he heads back to his chambers until the guests arrive.

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