Chapter 12: La Push

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The weather man was wrong and Rosalie changed plans to another day, soon. When Raelynn woke up, she saw on the weather on her phone that it would be in the high forties to early fifties in Fahrenheit for the high today. Rae is fine with that, it means she can see Alice at school.

Rae is A-ok with Rosalie post poning their shopping trip. Because she knows that they will, because she knows they both need prom dresses.

Once dressed for school, Raelynn heads out of her bedroom and goes downstairs. Mary has made some scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. Rae eats with her mom and siblings before heading to school with Carla.

Raelynn parks beside Emmett's Jeep and Carla jumps out, and jogs around to Rae's side n

"Guys, this is my little sister, Carla," Raelynn says as she gets out. "Carla, this is Alice."

"You're Alice?" Carla beams, Edward smirks slightly. "You really are pretty."

"Thank you," Alice coos. "You're pretty, too, Carla."

"This is Emmett, he might look scary but don't let his outer shell scare you. He's a bit softie," Rae says.

"Rae!" Emmett pouts. "Hey, Carla."

"Hi!" Carla greets. "Rae, which one of your friends is the psychic?"

"This bozo," Rae says as she pouts out Edward. "This is Edward."

'Hi,' Carla greets mentally.

"Hi," Edward replies, earning an excited squeal.

"This is Rosalie, and Marianna," Rae introduces next, pointing to each blonde.

"Hey!" Carla greets, Caleb is watching with a smile from across the lot.

"Hi, Carla," Rosalie greets.

"Hey, girl!" Marianna geeets enthusiastically.

"And this one's Jasper," Rae says. "He's a softie, too... Once he warms up to you."

"Hello," Jasper greets.

Carla giggles a little, blushing. "Hi."

Edward snorts as Carla thinks about how cute Jasper is, he covers it up with a cough. He smirks when Carla glares at him.

"I'll see you after school, Rae!" Carla chants before she runs off.

"She's got a bright aura," Marianna smiles. "I like her."

"I do, too, and she's a human," Rosalie claims. "Thanks for introducing us, Raelynn."

"You're welcome," Rae says. "We need to hit Port Angeles soon for our prom dresses, Rose."

"I know, and we will!" Rosalie says. "Especially since Alice and Marianna are going today."

"We will soon," Raelynn says. "The day and time are both up to you, Rose bud."

Rosalie nods. Alice grabs Rae's gloved hand before they head into the school. Rosalie looks across the lot and she meets Caleb's eyes.

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