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sweet football player jeon jeongguk has never displayed interest in any of the other teenagers at his high school. but as soon as new student park jimin shows up and joins the cheerleading team, he finds himself being drawn in by his pretty physique. and not only that, but the fact that he enjoys wearing skirts.

- trying something new. lowercase intended!
- smut
- switch scenes
- subtop!jeongguk
- heavypowerbottomlikebuckleup!jimin
- cross dressing
- profanity
- some homophobia and bullying
- occasional displays of abuse however not as severe
- some angst
- fluff
- hopefully some good humour bc i always drain you guys of your tears
- side ships (pls don't complain ily)

um,,, that's about it! pls enjoy. :)

jeongguk is confused

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jeongguk is confused.

he's afraid of what people will say behind his back, if they know the truth.

he doesn't know what's wrong with him. he can't seem to figure it out and it's not like he can confide in his friends or mother, either, afraid of the consequences. because at the end of the day, he's a boy and he's expected to be straight.

he's expected to like girls, because that's what's normal. that's what's socially acceptable. so why does he find it so hard to fit into the world's societal mold?

these are the kind of thoughts that consume him at night. is he sick? is he normal? will he be accepted into the world as soon as he divulges his biggest secret or will it come crumbling down at his feet?

it's exhausting. it's time consuming and stressful. it eats away at him every single second of his misderable life.


it's controlling.


the brunette flinches softly in his seat, briefly turning to face taehyung who sends him a questioning look. jeongguk ignores it and returns his attention to the teacher at the front of the classroom, writing some equations on the whiteboard.

"why are you ignoring me?" the blue haired boy asks and jeongguk bites down on his bottom lip, irate, releasing it slowly.

"i'm trying to pay attention to the lesson, tae. you should too if you don't want to be kicked off of the team," jeongguk suggests and taehyung scrunches his nose.

"first of all, ouch. second of all, you haven't been paying attention to the lesson at all. you've been staring at the wall blankly for the past half hour. there's definitely something going on upstairs that you aren't telling me about," the blue haired boy says and jeongguk sighs quietly, quickly running a hand down his face.

"it's nothing, tae, trust me. i'm just worried about our upcoming tournament, is all. that and the added on stress of doing good in class. i need that scholarship," jeongguk replies, half telling the truth.

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