Chapter 9

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Spirits were not supposed to drop in unexpectantly and uninvited. So, Tamara started to pray up for help. Trusting that her angels and guides had a very good reason for allowing what was about to transpire, she acknowledged Marcus by thinking, Hold onto your horses.

Opening her eyes, Tamara stood up from the stool. "Lexi, are you in the audience?" A murmur ran through the room as a hand slowly went up. Turning her head to see the person whose hand went up. Tamara saw that Lexi was indeed in the audience.

"Your dad is here insisting on sharing more information about your sister, Susannah." Marcus became even more excited, and his message came quickly to Tamara, not in words that one could hear out loud, but in the celestial language of the spirit world.

Tamara was used to spirits communicating with her by using any of the four channels. She used this opportunity to introduce the 'Celestial Languages' of the spirit world with the audience.

"There are four channels of the celestial language that a ghost or spirit can use to communicate with us. In any order, one is not better than another, just different.

Clairvoyant, French for clear seeing. Receiving pictures like a dream that needs to be interpreted. I call this one Visual.

Clairsentient, clear feeling. Sometimes it is a feeling like tingles in your body that again needs to be interpreted. This one I call Feeler.

Claircognizance, clear knowing. Other times it is as if you are being downloaded with thoughts. This one I call, Knower.

Then there is clairaudience, clear hearing. I call this one Audio. Tonight, Marcus is talking to me in my mind. He is an Audio."

"You can only communicate with a ghost or spirit in their celestial language. The celestial language that they are, all depends on their persona, the personality traits they had when they were alive on Earth. Each of the four channels; audio. knower, feeler, and visual have very unique qualities, behaviors, and mannerisms."

To get back to the task at hand, Tamara repeated Marcus's message. "Lexi, your dad says that you are not stressed, crazy, or imagining all of this. The dream you had was a connection you felt because of your closeness to your sister when she was alive.

He says you felt and knew things about each other growing up. Like, knowing it was her calling before you picked up your phone. Or when she was having a bad day, and you called to see if she was alright, and she wasn't.

Your special connection in life carried through into her death. Your dad's urgent message is, don't second guess your dream. Susannah does need your help."

Everyone in the audience was staring at Lexi. Someone gave her a tissue, for tears were running down her face. Many people thought this was a setup and part of the show. Others were wishing Tamara would communicate with one of their loved ones who had passed on to the other side.

Marcus disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. Tamara ended the evening by telling everyone that their ticket is a free pass for next Tuesday's lecture, same place and time. To continue this series on the celestial languages of the spirit world.

Lexi was still sitting there stunned when Tamara sat beside her and squeezed her hand. "I am sorry for that surprise. I didn't even know it was going to happen," Tamara said sincerely.

"Leave it to my father to make a grand entrance and steal the show," Lexi replied, still bewildered from the message Tamara had shared.

"Lexi, Marcus's message was crucial. So important that he had to make sure you heard it, he feared that he may never have another chance to tell you. When a spirit has a message, and it is important, they will stop at nothing to get it across to the human world. I guess we both better listen up, for he has made damn sure we both pay attention to this message. Maybe the spirit world has something important for me to learn as well."

Tamara knew that before any show, she does a protection prayer for herself and the audience from lower energy entities who might try to cause havoc with unaware humans.

Having a spirit interrupt a speech was not supposed to happen. And it would not have happened. Except Tamara ended her session with Lexi the other day by saying, 'When I can think of a better and more direct question to ask. I will meditate to receive the answers that may help you.'

Tamara had asked up to her angels and guides for help on Susannah's situation, and she knew that the spirit world had their own timing of when and how the answer would come back. Tonight, because Lexi was in the audience, left the perfect opportunity for the answer to be presented.

"Lexi, can you call me tomorrow or in the next few days? We need to create a plan on how to help Susannah get into Heaven."

"Oh my God, Tamara. That would be amazing. I will definitely find the time for you." 

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