Chapter 46

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I want to say thank you to the spirit world for providing me with this opportunity to find another way for your soul to travel back to the Pearly Gates.

Susannah, you have already passed the pretest, so we don't have to worry about that part. And because of your recent experience adventures in the Void, Lexi and I know that you believe in Heaven.

I am confident with the help of spirit, along with today's meditation. Your sister and I will be able to help you get back to the gates of Heaven. I know you will pass through the gates this time."

"Okay, Lexi, do you need anything before we start?"

With a bit of sorrow in her voice, Lexi said, "I know it is for Susannah's highest good that her soul goes to Heaven, and it would be selfish of me to hold her back. Nope, I am good, thanks. I am ready to let her go now."

"Great. Let's begin." Tamara pulled out a sheet of paper with a drawing on it.

It was titled Destination Map. She was showing it to Lexi so that she could get an idea before the mediation of where they were going to travel.

Looking at the paper, Lexi instantly saw the 3rd destination, titled the Void. She knew that stop well. Definitely not visiting that location again.

The route to the gates looked simple enough to her.

"Lexi, you've done this before. Get yourself comfortable and take a few deep breaths. This time though, your role is to help me get Susannah to the train station you were at before, Penn Station, and make sure she gets on the train.

Lexi, I want you to take a couple more deep breaths, and relax. I will talk to you again in a few moments."

Tamara continued, "Susannah, when it is time, your job will be to get on the train. Don't worry. I will be right beside you the whole time. Right up until you get off at the Pearly Gates Train Station."

"All right now that everything has been explained and everyone is ready, lets explore this journey of a soul as far as it will lead us.

Lexi, I would like you to imagine the train station now. Imagine that Susannah and I are with you.

Susannah has luggage that she will be bringing with her. It contains all her memories that she has decided to keep from this last lifetime's journey.

Imagine that I am going over to the ticket kiosk to purchase mine and Susannah's train tickets.

At the kiosk, I have several choices for the journey. The first stop's destination is Hell. The description reads, for Satan worshipers, and for the sinful souls that believe that they deserve to be punished.

The second stop is Held. The description reads, for souls that are held and bound to Earth by a Human who is so selfish that they cannot let the soul ascend into Heaven.

The third stop's destination is Non-Believers. The description reads, for atheists, souls that do not believe in a higher power or that Heaven exists. For souls that believe they're just Dust-to-Dust or will go to Sleep.

This third destination is also for souls going to the Void and Purgatory. I want to mention that there is a special note that reads, with help from a Human Medium or Minister a soul may have a chance for atonement.

The next destination is Elementals. That description reads, for mythical souls, such as Fairies, Elves, Mermaids, etcetera.

The fifth destination is the Pearly Gates. The description reads, express train for souls ready to take the Virtue and Sin Evaluation Test.

The sixth stop and final destination is Heaven. The description reads, for VIP - Very Important Phantom Ticket holders. Instant access through the Pearly Gates, no test required. While on Earth, the VIP soul or apparition must have both entrance requirements. One, believe in a higher power of energy and two, lived a virtuous life."

Lexi, I tell the ticket conductor that I will have one ticket for the Pearly Gates, and one round trip ticket. I give the Pearly Gates ticket to Susannah and keep the other ticket for myself.

Okay Lexi, this is where you can hug your sister and wish her farewell for now. Tell her that once she is in Heaven, you both will have the ability to contact each other as often as you would have living on Earth.

If you talked daily, then you can still speak daily to her in the afterlife. If it was weekly, then that is the same agreement. Once a year, then that is the agreement of contacting each other. Whatever the amount of communication with her you had on Earth, you can still have when she is in Heaven."

Tamara makes herself a little more comfortable in her chair.

"Susannah have your ticket ready. As I promised, I have the special pass that lets me travel with you on the train, but I can't get off the train. I will be coming back to this same train station here in Limbo where I will meet back up with Lexi. Then I will come back to my own body and continue on my own soul's journey."

"Now the two of us get on the train and find our seats. As I have told your sister Lexi before, on the train, you can sit in either direction, facing me or beside me. You choose.

The train conductor comes and checks our tickets, punching a special hole in a corner, marking that we have used it.

We can hear the engine starting and the ringing of the bell. With the conductor yelling the last call, "All aboard." The doors close, and the train slowly starts to move out of the station."

"We can see all the other destination through our window as we pass by. Hell. Held, Non-Believers, Elements, and lastly stopping at the Pearly Gates terminal.

Susannah, this is where you get off. Let me quickly recap for you. The key to unlocking the gates is that you must believe in a higher power, which you do. Then, you must pass the Virtue & Sin Evaluation exam to gain entrance, which you will.

Once through the gates, a brochure of all your choices will magically appear in your hands.

Susannah thank you so very much for the gift of knowledge that your journey has granted me. Here is a big hug. Enjoy the rest of your afterlife."

At that exact moment, Tamara felt it. The instantaneous sensation of poof, gone. Susannah's soul had ascended into the light.

Tamara knew Susannah had passed the Virtue & Sin Evaluation exam, because if she didn't, she would have been back on the train.

Taking a breath, Tamara imagined coming back on the train to Limbo and getting off of it. Wiggling her toes, she brought herself back into her body and opened her eyes, smiling at Lexi.

Tamara said a prayer to bless Susannah, Lexi, and thanked all the angels and guides for helping with this incredible journey. 

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