Chapter 43

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Jumping into his restored 1956 Ford F100, he buckled up the lamb in the passenger's seat. There was no way he was letting that lamb get hurt. He thought to himself, what if I had tuh slam on de brakes or somethin' and de toy went flying? What would happen to Susannah's soul?

Pulling away from the curb, he set out to find Lexi. Lexi where would yuh be right now? An image of her sitting at a table popped into his head. Right, it's Christmas Eve, you'll be with your mom.

Looking over at Billy, Susannah smiled to herself. At least he is open enough to get my messages. She turned her head abruptly to see why the car pulled over to the side of the road.

He pulled out his cell phone to search. Damn'it, I don't know where Susannah's mom lives. Where did Susannah say they lived, was it, Manhattan? Constantine – Crap, dere is a lot of people with the last name Constantine.

He put his head on the steering wheel to think. You're gonna have to help me, Susannah, where is Lexi. Looking up to the stars, Billy said a prayer. Lord, I know I am not your best follower, but I do need your help tonight. Please, God, help me find Lexi.

A memory popped into his head of him and Susannah holding hands as they walked along the East River in DUMBO. An acronym for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.

It was some time ago, and she was telling him about the night she and her father had that awful fight. The night she had moved out of the house and hadn't stepped foot in it ever since, even for the holidays.

Brooklyn, dat's it, Susannah's mom lives in Brooklyn. Frantically, Billy looked up Constantine in Brooklyn. Scanning down the list, he found Marcus Constantine's name. Hard to forget the name, when that was who she referred to instead of calling him Dad. He looked for an address, Sydney Place in Dyker Heights. Whoa, fancy part of town.

Traffic was pretty good, considering it was Christmas Eve, and fewer people were driving on the road tonight. As Billy entered the neighborhood, he slowed down to see the house addresses. Since the driveway was full already, he pulled up along the curb to park. Nice digs, Susannah.

As he walked up to the front doors, he could see three people sitting at the dining room table; a man in his mid to late thirties and two ladies, one older lady with like-colored hair to Susannah's, and one that looked like it could be Lexi. She had the right color of hair. Trembling for the first time in his life, he knocked at the door.

Getting up to answer it, Olivia said, "Who could that be on Christmas Eve?" She opened the door to a good-looking young man.

"Mrs. Constantine?"


"I am Billy. Susannah's Billy."

"Billy, what are you doing here on Christmas Eve? Shouldn't you be at home with your family?"

Lexi got up to see who was at the door. Seeing it was Billy, she said, "Mom, invite him in."

"Yes, of course. Please come in."

"Wait. I have tuh get somethin' first." Billy ran back to his truck and unbuckled the lamb, tucking it under his coat to protect it from the weather.

"Hurry, Billy. It is cold out here," Olivia said as she hurried him into the house. "Come and sit down. We were just about to say grace." She went into the kitchen to get another dinner plate and silverware.

Lexi introduced Reverend Hawthorne to Billy. "Nice to meet you, Billy, call me Edward. What brings you here?"

Placing the plate and silverware in front of Billy, Olivia interrupted them, saying, "That can wait. The food is getting cold." Going back to her seat she said, "Everyone, hold hands. Reverend, please say grace."

Edward bowed his head and said grace. "In a world where so many are hungry, may we eat this food with humble hearts; In a world where so many are lonely, may we share this friendship with joyful hearts. Amen."

Billy, Olivia, and Lexi all said, "Amen," together.

Olivia passed the peas to Billy, and said, "Let's eat. Lexi, be a dear and pass the plate of turkey to Edward."

After following her mothers orders she poured everyone a glass of red wine. Holding up her wineglass, she said, "Cheers," and took a drink.

Still holding the lamb, Billy took it out of his coat and placed it lovingly on the empty chair beside him. "I think this is whatcha all where looking for."

Lexi almost spit out her wine. Swallowing quickly, she screamed, "Oh, my God! Yes, Lambie!" as she got up to hug the lamb. "Susannah!"

He decided he didn't need to tell them the whole story. "I came over as soon as I figured out dat my five-year-old niece, Rosalina had taken the toy, she had called it her new dog, Susie.

Olivia put her hands on her heart and said, "It's a Christmas miracle."

Edward stood up and shook Billy's hand. "Thank you, you don't know how much this means to Alexandra."

"Who is Alexandra?"

"Oh, right." He pointed to Lexi. "She is. That is her full first name. The first time we met, she insisted I call her by her full name, and so I have ever since."

Joyfully, Olivia said, "A toast, to our sweet angel, Susannah." Everyone clinked glasses.

Too excited to take a drink, Lexi quickly picked up her cell phone and texted Tamara. I HAVE GREAT NEWS! WE FOUND SUSANNAH. I WILL BRING HER OVER TO YOU THE DAY AFTER BOXING DAY. MERRY CHRISTMAS! :) 

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