Chapter 11

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Tamara closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly. God, my angels, and guides, please protect me, the room, and my audience from the influence of negative spirits while I give my speech tonight. Empower my words to be what is needed to be heard tonight. Allow my words to be your words. Sharing the important message, you want me to share this evening.

Taking another deep breath and any insightful inspirations with it, she wiggled her toes and fingers, opened her eyes, and walked onto the stage.

There were even more people in the audience than last Tuesday night. The room was packed. She could see the hotel staff bringing in a few more chairs to allow seating for the extra people coming in at the last minute.

Her fiancé was at the entrance taking the people's tickets and money from the ones that were not at the previous event.

"Welcome," Tamara said as she scanned the room. "Please, everyone, stand up and shake off the day's energy and imagine it going into a cosmic vacuum cleaner."

Many people stood up and did a little shimmy as if imaginary dirt was falling off them. Smiling and laughing as they did the little wiggle. Sitting back down, many people were still smiling.

"Take a deep breath and allow all your unnecessary thoughts and concerns to be put away. For now, give me your full attention, for what I am about to share with you this evening is essential.

Last week, we ended my talk with an unusual spirit connection. It was a wake-up call to me on just how important believing is. Having a belief in the afterlife. The intent of going into the light, let's call that Heaven.

No matter what word you call Heaven, just knowing that when I use the word Heaven, it means love-light energy.

How many of you know the levels of the spirit world?" Tamara scanned the audience, only a couple of hands went up.

"We live in the lowest vibratory rate level, known as the universe. As each level's vibratory rate increases. Only our soul can exist on the other levels. The frequency of a human body must be shed. Our cellular make-up cannot hold its integrity in the higher levels of energy.

The next level is Hell. Then Held, Non-believers, and Elementals. All five of these levels are outside of Heaven.

Inside of Heaven there is a total of fifteen levels, there are eight more levels above the seven named in the Bible. The first level of Heaven is where most people go once, they die.

"How many of you have seen, heard, felt, or thought about a ghost at least once in your life? Be honest." Many hands went up in the audience. "How many of you have lost a loved one?" Just about every person in the audience raised a hand.

"How many of you have communicated with a ghost or spirit?" A few hands went up in the room.

"How many of you have had dreams about your loved ones as if they were alive talking with you? Or feelings that your mother, father, loved one touched you somehow? Maybe a caressing feeling on your face or as if someone touched your shoulder? I ask you again, how many of you have communicated with a ghost or spirit?"

The room went silent after many people put the connection together. Realizing that any communication with the dead is communicating with a ghost or spirit.

Tamara took a sip from her water bottle to give an extra moment for the audience to contemplate what she just implied.

"Did you realize that there is no difference between your partner, mom, dad, child, or best friend coming to visit you than if a demon did?" That caused a stir in the audience.

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