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"It's a fact that speaking about ghosts and spirits makes most people very uncomfortable. The thought that something that most of us cannot see, hear, feel, or know could exist amongst us. Ever wonder what a ghost does in the afterlife? Ever wonder what is waiting for you in the afterlife?" Tamara said as she walked onto the stage.

"Do you know that fear of death is programmed into our genetics? That we will do almost anything in our power to stay alive. Did you know that fear is formed as an automatic feeling in our reptilian brain as we are developing in our mother's womb? Fear is a natural animal instinct to stay clear of danger and harm."

Tamara slowly turned her head from one shoulder to the other, skimming over the many faces in the audience.

"Maybe we fear death because we are afraid of something evil. I am assuming that many of you were brought up with stories about the Devil. Is evil why we fear death so much? Or is evil why we fear ghosts and spirits so much?"

Tamara paused a moment for a more dramatic effect. She wanted the audience to have a moment of contemplation before she continued.

"There is physical proof painted on walls inside of many caves all around the world." She insinuated the grandness of the world by gesturing with the movement of her hand.

"Maxime Aubert, archaeologist, and geochemist used a technique he developed to date some of the paintings to at least 35,000 years old. For what reason do you think that our ancestors would paint a message on a cave wall?

Tamara took a sip of water to give time for the audience to think. "Why did past generations think that it was so important to leave drawings of images and symbols for future generations to find? Have any of you ever wondered why?" Tamara could see some heads nodding yes.

"Personally, I am fascinated. I believe the drawings have been left behind for us to find so that we can receive a message, a lesson that we can benefit from, or maybe it is a warning for protection in the afterlife, such as the symbols inscribed on the walls of the Egyptian Pyramids of the Pharaoh's tombs."

Tamara took a long pause and closed her eyes for a brief moment. Then she asked, "Have you prepared for death? And, I do not mean your estate and finances."

With a bit of a smirk, Tamara asked, "I have a weird question for you. Does a rock fear death? I am asking because science has proven that rocks grow and change form. It's true. Many of you are wearing jewelry tonight, go ahead and look at your diamonds, gold, and crystals.

We are taught in school that rocks are not alive, because they are not carbon-based. But coal changes overtime and creates diamonds. Gold changes over time and creates different karats 10, 12, 14, 24. Even the point of a crystal in a geode will continually grow and become bigger with time. If something grows and changes form, is it not alive? And if we believe something is non-living, is it dead?" Tamara gave another pause for a few extra seconds after asking these insightful questions to the audience.

"Even though I have been told that ghosts are not real and are definitely non-living, it is in my professional belief as a medium, that ghosts are real, and they do fear death. Trust me when I say it takes a lot of persuading to help a ghost move on from this world. To move away from all the human memories, experiences, and safety they had living here on Earth."

Tamara could hear quiet talking among the audience in response to what she just said.

"I believe that one day soon, science will prove the fact that a soul emerges from 'the cocoon' of the human body and can choose to become a ghost or a spirit.

Ask yourself this question, 'Where am I going after I die?'

What happens to your soul if you end up somewhere you don't want to be? How are you going to get a message to your loved ones back home that you need help?" 

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