Brief Description

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Hello everyone. This will be my first short story ever. I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters. I won't be following the Naruto story perfectly (AKA People that I don't want to be dead won't be dead, not all events happen the same, ect)

Now here's a little bit of info you may want before the story starts.

 parents had died, had been passed around to other family members for a long time, but never really finding a place to stay.

~You are 17 years old (at start, turn 18 shortly in) lost patience with being passed around so decided to leave to find own way in the world.

~kiba is 20

~personality: fairly down to earth, finds it hard to trust easily, average intelligence, loves to have fun

~talents: decent skills in all jutsu, but with stronger affinity for genjutsu. Special move; siren song jutsu (makes anyone hearing the users voice become infatuated with the user for a short time, hindering their ability to attack the user)

~Looks like you.

y/n=your name

h/c=hair colour

e/c=eye colour

There may be a lemon or two as this story progresses, I haven't ever written a lemon before so it'll all depend on how it turns out.

yada yada yada

Let's get this show on the road shall we?

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