Coming Home

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Justins p.o.v

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I just got back home from touring and im tired like hell. What can i say the biebz is famous like that. At least i get to go home with mama, jazzy, jaxon, and i guess my dad. Its been months since i have seen them. Im about to get in the plane like in 5 minutes so im going call my mom to tell her ill be home in the Calabasas like in 5 hours.

Ringing ring ring ri-

"Hello" "hey mom ill be be home like in 5 hours i miss you." "oh Justin i missed you and so have your brother and sister. I will call you later so your not late for your flight i love you honey take care" "love you to mom see you in a bit bye" "bye jay"

*************Plane Ride************

Haileys p.o.v

Tell me why my damn manager wants me to travel alot. Its like one place to another for a stupid photo shoot. I think im going to do a photo for justin bieber even though i really dont like him that much. I don't know but i guess i have to go to do the shoot as soon he gets back from his tour oh yippy im just the luckiest girl arent i(being sarcastic hailey). Then i started thinking about the photo shoot and how will it be and look like what if its too sexual like all my other shoots. Then all of a sudden i snap back to reality because my stupid iphone 6 plus started ringing. Oh great my manager Emilyia Sanders.

Ring ring ring ri-

"Hello Emilyia" "hailey i need you on the plane now" "how if they havent called my flight yet" "damet ok just wait until they call you because justin bieber will be home in a couple hours" "ok ill be home before him but ok" "ok hailey bye bye" "bye" ohh look they just called my plane the day keeps on getting better and better.

*************Plane ride*************

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