Chapter 2

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Fortunately for myself, Cedric wouldn't be able to track me down on the train as he was required to sit in the prefect section.  I found a small booth isolated from the other students (who I assumed had overheard Cedric and I's argument, as they whispered when I walked by), and I sat alone on the train ride to Hogwarts.

Memories of Cedric had poured down my mind just as the raindrops did on the window of the train.  I remembered the day that he had first flown a broom, and how excited he was to try and teach me, and his face when I saw that I got it first try.  I also recalled the time that I had helped him study for his arithmetics exam in primary school.  I was only eight years old, but I was very gifted at math and was able to provide Cedric with much needed aid on his test.  When he found out he'd passed he was so happy that he gave me a hug and said, 'I'm going to marry you one day', which I replied with by smacking him in the face.

Even in our last year at Hogwarts we had spent all of our time together, It was quite funny seeing Draco get jealous of the two of us and then watching Cedric convince him that we were only friends.

Draco, oh goodness.

I couldn't say I was truly upset when we had split up.  I really didn't love him the way he loved me, which led to the downfall of our relationship.  Draco was handsome and smart, and he was so charming to me that I somehow convinced myself that I was in love with him.  Deep inside however, I knew I didn't feel it.

Love had always been an empty void in my life, I had only ever crushed on a boy once, when I was five (which I don't count because I was so young) and I had never felt a romantic attraction to anyone since.  I couldn't bring myself to like the boys at my school, when poor Neville Longbottom expressed his feelings for me, I rejected him and felt awful.  We stayed friends but I still felt guilty whenever I saw him.  After 15 years of life I gave up on the idea that I was ever going to fall in love.  On the bright side, if you never fall in love you can never feel heartbreak.

The train came to a halt and one by one we stepped outside of the vehicle and into the fresh air.   I felt a cool breeze sweep by my face as I looked up into the night sky to see the tall castle glowing in the distance.  Underneath the beautiful structure stood a large group of students gossiping about.  I tried scanning the crowd to see if I noticed any familiar faces, I'd love to just be with my friends and pretend that everything was normal, just for a moment.

I noticed a large group of girls swarming around a student, and I made eye contact with such student, Cedric Diggory.  Even in the night his silver eyes pierced through my skull, I could see that through his Golden-Boy smile, he too was pained by the argument we had.  I couldn't feel bad for him though- he did this to himself.

I saw him reach out for me and I immediately turned around, not wanting to face the boy who had broken my trust, and lost my respect.  To him I was a 'cunt'.

My thoughts were overshadowed as I looked up into the sky and saw a golden carriage soar over the heads of the people around me.  I turned to my left and saw a large ship rise from the Black Lake.  Students panicked, wondering if we were being attacked, but one look at Dumbledore's happy expression and we knew everything was fine.  With that, curiosity dawned over us as we tried to theorize what could be happening.  The gate opened and we swarmed inside quickly, trying to get another peak at the carriage and boat to find out what was hidden inside of them.

We were all seated, frantically waiting for the sorting ceremony to end so Dumbledore would explain the whole ordeal.  I'm not that great of a listener, and it was hard for me to catch what he said in his speeches, but what I did hear was this- a Triwizard Tournament was taking place at this very school.

Right then the doors of the Great Hall burst open, and the most beautiful girls, all wearing matching blue uniforms danced down the hall, each and every guy they passed drooled at the sight of them.  I admired their elegance from afar, almost wishing I could be like them.  Beautiful and graceful.

Another memory flooded my brain, this one came from the train ride home after I broke up with Draco.  Cedric and I sat together.  I laid on his lap, crying over how afraid I was of my dad losing his job.

Cedric gently shushed me, "It's going to be alright. Besides, Draco is an idiot for wanting to break up in the first place."

"It's my fault."  I argued, "I wasn't being a good girlfriend to him."

"How could you not be a good girlfriend to him?  Why you're the greatest girlfriend material out there."

He tucked my hair into my ear, we both smiled at each other, and he continued.

"You're kind, frighteningly smart, as loyal as a Hufflepuff can be, not to mention you are beautiful."

I sprouted up from his lap in shock, had he really just told me I was-

Cedric interrupted my train of thought, "Yeah, I said it.  I think you're beautiful.  If you were ugly, I'd have told you by now."

I jabbed him in the arm and he laughed.  He put his arm around my shoulder and we both sat there, content to be in each other's company.

I sighed at the thought of what had felt like so long ago.  We were truly best friends, and now he felt like a stranger to me.

The Durmstrang men brought me back to reality, with a show stopping performance as they went down the hall. However, their act wasn't enough for me to get my mind off of Cedric.

I knew that right then and there that I felt heartbreak for the first time.

You Know I Love You, Right?  (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now