Chapter 4: Runaway

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[ Sasuke POV ]
I'm going to make this explanation a long one. I could feel a smirk crawling on my face.
"Well you see...."

[ Naruto POV ]
I was twitching moving my leg up and down while I listened to Sasuke's explanation. Damn, how long is this fucking explanation. I looked at the clock to check the time and Kurama used his hand to forced my head to look at Sasuke again. I swear he's making this a long ass explanation on purpose. What kind of explanation about delivering homework becomes a damn speech. I was getting ticked and yelled,
"Can you get to the fucking point already"
I felt a sweat drop rolled down my face. I knew I fucked up when I slowly turned my head in Kurama's direction. I saw how pissed off Kurama looked and knew that in the next few moments I was going to die.
"H-hey Sasuke, you must be busy, right. I'll walk you to the door so you can get home"
I stood up and walked towards Sasuke. I put my hand on his back and gestured to the door as I felt Kurama's gaze grow darker. I swear when I looked at Sasuke's face I saw a damn smirk. Why the hell was he looking so smug.
"I still haven't finished my explanation, yet"
He picked up his tea cup and took a small drink form it. You piece of trash, I know your doing his on purpose.
"I bet those men in back suits are worried about you and waiting for you to get back home"
He started getting comfortable. Why the hell are you getting comfortable in my house. GET OUT!!
"I think I'm going to stay the night"
God damn it, god damn it, GOD DAMN IT. What the hell is he staying the night for. I felt Kurama's hand touch my shoulder and I started sweating like a mad man. I turned around and put my hands up.
"Y-you know K-kurama we could t-talk this out like normal p-people"
I started stuttering with every word. Kurama's grip was getting tighter and I knew that I was moments away from dying.
"K-kurama you k-know I'm i-injured r-right"
"It'll make it quicker than"
"D-do you w-want me to d-die a t-teen. I-I'm not e-even a l-legal a-adult. Y-your g-going to s-shorten my l-life just be-because of t-this"
I know this is Kurama and I'm injured so I don't think I can run very far but hey, I've got to try, right. There's no guarantee that I'll get out or if I'll get caught. I swiped Kurama's hand off my shoulder and made a run for it. I ran away as fast and as far as I could. I looked back and saw no one following me. I ran up to the kitchen and grabbed my wallet. Next, I ran up the stairs to the second floor. In the office I grabbed a gun, some bullet capsules so I could reload if things got rough. I also a few knives for protection. I'm not going to kill anyone unless they attack me first. I ran up the stairs to the third floor to my room. I opened the window and jumped out the window. I ran as far as I could until I could not run no more.

[ Sasuke POV ]
I watched how Naruto hit the so called caretaker's hand away from his shoulder and made a run for it. For some reason, I had a feeling that I should run after him but I couldn't. I suppressed that feeling and stayed seated. I couldn't go after him anyway because I got Pinky stuck to my arm.
"Shouldn't you go after him"
"He should perfectly be fine"
Pinky seemed so sure of this but I don't know if I should trust her judgment.
"He's injured isn't he. Are you sure you shouldn't go after him"
"Sasuke-kun do you like Naruto more than me"
How could she think something like that. Do you think I like Naruto more than her. I'm sure I don't. I mean, I don't care for neither of them much less care for one over the other.
"He'll be perfectly fine. I check the wound the other day. To be honest he's almost healed"
If the checked the wound that means she touched Naruto's body. I tightened my fist. Hold on, Naruto's body is his own so why should I care.
"Naruto's heals fast ever since he was a little boy"
It seems like this caretaker has been with Naruto ever since he was a little boy.
"Besides he'll come back when he gets hungry. He also brought knifes and a gun"
This guy must know everything about Naruto. Maybe he'll tell me everything about him. I don't need to know anything about Naruto.
"I don't think he brought his wallet"
"You said you were going to stay the night right Sasuke-kun. I'll get a room ready right away"
Finally Pinky was going to let go of my arm. I swear she stoped the blood circulation.
"Stay right here Sasuke"
She let go, Pinky let go of my arm. I can feel the blood circulation start again. Man my arm feels way better. I looked down at the tea cup for a few seconds and picked up the cup. I took a sip of the tea that had been turned cold by the time we spent talking.
"You don't need to worry"
I looked up at the caretaker and saw him picking up the other teacups he placed on the table about 30 minutes ago. He placed the cups on the tray he once carried them on before. I looked over to the spot where the plain black haired man was but, he wasn't there anymore. He probably left when I was focused on Naruto. Just was I thought that the plain guy walked back into the room along with the long haired man I saw when I walked in.
"I don't know what you mean"
The man with the long hair whispered something in the caretakers ear and left. The caretaker placed the tray filled with teacup on the table and continued the conversation.
"Did you really think I didn't see that worried face as you looked down at the tea cup"
A worried face? Did I have a worried look on my face? He must be lying.
"I don't know what your talking about"
"I see, you have some time until Sakura canes back to go look for him"
"Who might that be"
"Naruto of course"
"I would never do that"
"I think you would"
I heard him say something under his breath but couldn't hear it.
Why is this guy telling me these things and asking questions? What would a person like him gain from asking questions like these.

[ Kurama POV ]
So the great Uchiha doesn't know that he's in love with our little Naruto. Maybe he does know but doesn't want to admit it. Man is this going to be one heck of a love story. I need to get Ino in on this. Sure Sakura has the hots for this guy but, who cares right. It's not like she has a chance anyway. Now the only thing I have to do is get Naruto to fall in love with the Uchiha.
"Well I'm pretty sure the brat brought his wallet this time so I don't think he's coming back for a few days"
"If you want to find him he should be heading to the work right about now"
He put his head up and looked me in the eye. Looks like he's interested now.
"I don't know where he works but it's somewhere near the station"
I could sense the Uchiha's feelings changing. I walked back to the kitchen to put the cups on the tray down.

When I walked back to the living room I saw Sasuke still sitting on the couch.
"He's being targeted by some other mafia I'm really worried about him. I know he's strong but he's by him self out there. I'm really worried about him"
I saw Uchiha's eyes widened when I said that other mafia groups were coming after him. All he needs is one more push.
"What would I tell his parents when they find out Naruto died"
I put a hand to my face and let a fake tear rolled down my face. I moved part of my hand so I could see the Uchiha. He stood up almost immediately when he heard the word 'died'.
"Where did you say he worked"
Another fake tear rolled down my face.
"Somewhere around the station"
"I'll be right back"
He stoped and turned to look at me.
"Take this"
I handed a piece of paper with my phone number on it. He grabbed it and rushed out the door. I picked up the last tea cup that Sasuke was using a few moments ago and yelled,
"Please bring him back safely"
I smiled. Everything is going to plan. I walked to the kitchen to put the tea cup down and walked to Ino's room to tell her the news. This is going to be so much fun. I wonder what type of plan she'll come up with.

[ Ino POV ]
I was eating food in my room when I heard Kurama yell my name. I look towards the door and saw Kurama burst into my room.
"What do you need Kurama"
"I need to tell you something, this is very important..."

I needed a bit of time to take all of this new information in.
"So your saying Sasuke Uchiha, and Uchiha, has feelings for Naruto, our Naruto. The Naruto who's always getting himself in the worst type of trouble"
"Yes, our Naruto, our idiot, our troublemaker"
"This is some good information. This is going to be good"
I opened the closet to reveal my otaku collection.
I rubbed my hands together,
"Let's get started"
"Ino your face is really scary right now"


Word count: 1707

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