Chapter 12: Until They Meet Again

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[ Third Person POV ]
"Master you've been in your room, haven't eaten, or gone to school for the past two days"
Their Master didn't respond. Behind the closed door was a empty teenager griping onto a bracelet as if it was his last life line. He hadn't slept since Naruto had left him. The room was filled with his blondes presence and became Saskue's safe place. His beloved had left him and left him only a bracelet. Saskue sat in the same chair, clutching the same bracelet not showings any emotion. It's not like the door to his room was locked, the maids and butlers didn't know what would happen if they entered the room without permission. They tried to talk Sasuke out of his room multiple times but it didn't work. All of them knew that there was only one way to get the teenager outside the room was to mention the young man who had left him. They all wanted the Master of the house to come out of the room but they didn't know how he would react to hearing the name of his friend.

Sasukes was still siting on the room not moving until for another two days until one butler dared to mention the young blonde to his Master.
"Why are you siting in there sulking for a boy who left? Did he tell you he wasn't coming back, did he. When he comes back do you want him to see you like this. A depressed boy who does nothing but sit on his room all day. Is that the type of person you want to become? Is that the person you want to show Naruto"
There was a shine in Sasuke's eyes from what the butler said. He didn't want to show this to Naruto, he wanted to show him that he was doing fine. Saskue wanted to show a successful person who could help him do anything.
"When Naruto comes back I'm going to show him a successful young man"
"Alright, you need to get out of that room, shower, eat, and start attending classes"
Sasuke got out of the chair he had been siting for days and open the door. Sasuke was ready to get out of depression and continue his normal.

Sasuke put on the black and orange bracelet around his wrist. He had seen Naruto wear the bracelet in the same way while they attended school together. He sat at the dining table where he had found Naruto's goodbye note and bracelet laying on the table. He made one of maids bring his first meal in days. The plate had bacon, sausage, eggs, and pancakes. The meal made him remember the time he stayed the night at Naruto's house. He ate the food of the plate slowly and finished his food. He called his driver to drop him off to school.

"It looks like Sasuke or Naruto are going to be here today either"
The door opened reveling Sasuke. He walked into the classroom and sat in his seat.
"Glad to see you back"
Sasuke didn't answer but just turned his head  to look outside. He watched the lone tree swinging through the wind. The tree sat in the sunlight and moved with the clouds. The lone tree reminded him of himself in a way. He was alone without anyone by his side. He was just sitting there watching the time as it passed by him.

His school day was normal.
The girls around him were still fanning over him as usual.
Classes were boring as always.
He sat on the roof to get away from everyone like he did everyday.
He laid down watching the clouds in the big blue sky alone.
He stared at the sky thinking of Naruto was looking up at the same sky he was. Recently the dobe had started following him to the roof and laid down right next to him. The fact that he had found someone that liked him because he was Saskue and no one else. Naruto didn't hang around Sasuke because he was the heir to a rich company, because he was the boss of a big mafia group, because he is popular. None of that mattered in the relationship they had built together. That was one of the many reasons the raven had fell for the blonde in the first place. The blonde had brightened Sasuke world the moment they made eye contact with each other when Naruto was entering the classroom as a new student. Sasuke's world became bright and warm with a single smile.

Sasuke continued to walk the path we al call life. He finished high school and went off to college. He was determined to be the proper heir to the Uchiha Company and run is as well as his father had done, or maybe better. The bracelet his first love gave him never came off his wrist since the first time he put it on.
At the end of his second year in high school came to the conclusion that his blonde was not coming back to him. Still, though his third year the blonde was coming across his mode once in a while but not as often. The bracelet gave him a small glimmer of hope. Sasuke gained friends to distract himself from the fact that Naruto was not there but it didn't help. He got confessed to multiple times but turned them down subconsciously. An old friend of the blonde confessed to him in the middle of their last year of high school. Sasuke thought it was another relationship he needed to make Naruto disappear from his mind. He never did anything with her besides holding hands, eating lunches together, and walking home together. It was as if he was saving himself for someone special and he was. By the start of Sasuke's first year in collage, he had forgotten all about the blonde but never did he once attempt to take the bracelet off of his wrist. Even when he looked down at it all of his hope of Naruto coming back was gone and his once bright world became dark once again.
The light had brightened up Sasuke's life quietly and quickly and, had left in the same way.

At the end of the plane ride all ten of them ended up in Paris. Apparently Kurama had everything ready if they ever had the need to move. They all attended public school and were surprised that they didn't require to wear a school uniforms like in Japan. Even though they were in Paris, Kurama had Naruto wear a disguise to make are no one knew he was the boy in the video that was posted long ago. He wore extensions for his hair, his hair was always tied up in a short ponytail, and he wore brown eye contacts to cover his sky blue eyes. They all made new friends but instead of splitting into different groups all of them stayed together sharing their new friends with one another.

Over time those extensions became Naruto's real hair. Naruto started having constant headaches ever since he left Japan. He never forgot about the raven he left all those years ago. Naruto was having a great time in Paris with all of his friends but there would always be a hole in his heart that was never disappearing.

At the end of his second year in high school Naruto decided to go back to Japan after he graduated from high school. In his third year he started contradicting himself saying he wanted to go back but what if there was nothing there for him to go back to. He had left Sasuke so suddenly and without any warning.
Maybe had Sasuke had become to hate Naruto for leaving.
Maybe Sasuke has already found his special person to be with forever.
Naruto always thought that maybe it was time to find his special someone for himself. He had never accepted any of the confessions he had gotten in Paris so maybe he might find someone to love in Japan.
Maybe Sasuke had forgotten all about Naruto
Maybe there was no need to go back when I had a splendid life here
Maybe I should go back
Maybe I should stay here
Naruto always has these thoughts in the back of his head. There was no need to think about it because everything was planed from the very beginning. After high school Naruto was going to go to college in Tokyo so he could take over the family business. Even though Naruto hadn't talked to his family in years they had everything planned out for him. The decision was made for Naruto to go back to Japan but what about the people who came with him to Paris. They follow their leader where ever he goes. They were going back to Japan with Naruto.

Naruto was enrolled into a collage with a good business degree. He was going to be a successful CEO of his parents company and keep the company going just like his father did. Being the company boss meant Naruto had to marry someone to make the company successful though he didn't like the idea and almost sold the company off. Since a young age, Naruto was not fond of marriage. He knew that his father and mother loved each other very much but he didn't know if he could tie himself to a person in the same way. Somewhere in his head he made a pact with himself not to get married in this life time.

Naruto lived his high school life he wanted to and went to college for his parents. He had decided that he was going to find someone new to be in love with. Nothing was going to be that same as it was in high school but he knew that everything was going to be alright. Nothing was going to go wrong.

Sasuke forgot about Naruto while Naruto hadn't forgotten Saskue. Maybe it had something to do with the second personality inside Naruto.


Word Count: 1687

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