Chapter 34: Emotinal Eating

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[Third Person POV]
As Kurama suggested no one made any kind of contact with Naruto for 24 hours. After the 24 hours Naruto walked out of the flower garden into the main house. The bags under his eyes were darker but his mental health had become stable enough to interact with people.

Naruto sat on a chair on the kitchen with his head down.
He waved his hand,
"...get me some ramen out of the cabinet"
Naruto got something thrown at his head. He raised his head and found a cup of ramen on it's side. Naruto threw the cup of ramen back at Kurama,
"I want it cooked"
Kurama started cooking the ramen. Kurama finished making the ramen and placed it in front of Naruto with a sigh.
"You should eat real food"
Naruto took the top off the foam cup,
"This is real food"
Kurama wanted to reason with him but decided that it was best to wait until the topic came up again. Naruto began eating his ramen in peace.

Naruto kept forcing Kurama to make ramen after ramen until the process was interrupted by an irritated Shino. It was rare that thing to see Shino angry at something. Naruto waved his chopsticks around,
"Did someone mess with your big farm"
"The farm disappeared"
Naruto continued eating his ramen,
"That's rough man"
Shino sighed because Naruto wasn't taking his anger seriously.
"Right, it's like ramen disappearing"
Naruto gasp,
"It must be really tough for you"
Naruto set the foam cup to the side and Kurama placed another instant ramen in front of him.

Naruto finished cup after cup listening and to Shino ranting about his big farm. He placed another cup on top of the others waiting for Kurama to give him another cup. Kurama didn't place another cup of ramen in front of Naruto making him groan.
Kurama sighed and placed another cup of ramen on front of Naruto.
"This is the only time"
Naruto continued eating cup after cup of ramen while Shino got over his complaining and walked out of the kitchen.

Now Shikamaru was the one handing Naruto ramen cup another ramen cup because Kurama had to go to the store to buy more. Shikamaru sighed,
"Your like a girl eating ice cream after a break up but eating ramen instead"
Naruto kept eating,
"Not like we were dating in the first place"
Shikamaru was surprised,
"We never made it official so I'm not going though a break up. I'm going though abandonment"
Naruto placed his chopsticks down,
"Do you know where Shino's bug farm is"
Shikamaru shook his head,
Naruto picked his chopsticks up and continued eating.

Kurama walked into the kitchen holding bags of ramen. He sets the bags down under the cabinet. He looks at Naruto who has his head down on the counter.
Kurama got a groan in response. Kurama sighed and started arranging the ramen in the cabinet.

Sasuke got out of his bed and walked into his kitchen tired. He didn't get as much sleep because of the nightmare he had last night.

Sasuke started making himself breakfast. He spaced out and ended up burning the food he was making. Sasuke sighed and gave up on cooking something breakfast. Sasuke just ended up sitting on the couch looking up at the ceiling with a blank mind.

Sasuke's stomach was begging for food so he got up and went back to his kitchen. He opened his pantry looking for something he could eat without have to cook. He didn't find anything he wanted to eat so he closed the pantry and opened the fridge. He scanned the inside of his fridge and decided that he would eat his favorite food, tomatoes. Sasuke took out the tomatoes and started eating.

Sasuke finished his tomatoes and started getting pissed. Sasuke threw away the empty container and got up. He got up, headed to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and put fresh clothes on. Sasuke left his apartment heading to the store.

Sasuke walked to the cash register and placed containers of grape sized tomatoes on the conveyor belt. The cashier looked at Sasuke to see him pissed, looked back down, and scanned the tomatoes in silence.

Sasuke opened the apartment door with a bag filled with tomatoes. He placed the bag on his dining table, sat down, and began eating his tomatoes alone.

Sasuke had a pile of tomato containers next to him and didn't have many containers of tomatoes left. Sasuke was about to open another container but covered his eyes with his hand along with a long sigh.
"I feel like a girl after a break up"


Word Count: 786

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