Chapter 8: Sleeping Over

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[ Saskue POV ]
Naruto came back to school today and I'm happy. Now I get to see him all day. Wait, what about after school? I won't have a reason to go to his house after school anymore. I've got to find another reason to be able to go to his house everyday. I can help him study, go there because of Sakura, say I'm out of money to take the train, everyone in my mafia group left, everyone in my mafia group died, tell them I'm being targeted, tell him that there's something wrong at home. The last one won't work nothing ever goes wrong in my house. If something happens I could deal with it immediately. Like if my house burns down I could just move to another house somewhere else. That would mean transferring schools, which is worst than not being about to see Naruto after school so I can't do that.

I'm sitting on the roof still thinking about ways I could get to go to Naruto's house after school. I looked up to see Naruto walk out of the door to the roof.
"Hey Sasuke"
"You think I can stay at your place for a few days"
He's going to stay at my house for a few days! This is moving to fast. I haven't prepared for anything yet. I've got to prepare a room, dinner, dessert, a movie, games, ramen, clothes, and any other activities he might want to do. What else would I need to get? Umm, maybe some cake, or...
"Saskue, so can I stay at your place or not"
I've got to calm down. Stay calm and cool Saskue, calm and cool.
"Aren't you worried about what happened last time you came"
"You mean that one time you kidnapped me"
"I've been kidnapped all my life so that one kidnapping doesn't mean anything to me"
"Kidnapped all his life"
He looked at me at me confused.
"I did just say, didn't I"
Did I say that aloud? Stay calm. Calm and cool Saskue.
"So can I stay at your house for a few days"
"I'm taking that as a yes"
He's coming to my house and I didn't have to do anything besides saying 'yes'. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me all my life. He's coming to my house because he wants to, out of his own free will.

"Saskue do you think we could stop at my place so I could grab a few things"
"You really say nothing but 'Hn' teme"
He laughed! It was a small laugh but it was still a laugh! We were our last class that we share together. This is one of my favorite classes. The bell rang signaling that it was time Naruto came to my house.
"Make sure to finish your homework before tomorrow"
Everyone in the class started packing their things and standing up to get to their homes.
"Dobe are you done putting your stuff away"
"Give me a second"
He put the last book in his book,
"I'm ready to go"
"Your forgetting something dobe"
I pointed at his desk that had a folded up piece of paper on it.
"I should throw this away"
He picked up the folded paper, walked, and threw it into the trash.
"We should get going Saskue"
We walked out of the classroom into the hallway.
"First stop, my house"

I opened the door to Naruto and saw new faces in his house again.
"Stay right here, I'll go grab my stuff"
He ran in the direction of the office. Now that I think about it, I've never been in Naruto's room before. I've been here so many times but I've never been in his room.
"I'm a failure"
"A great Uchiha call himself a failure that's surprising"
I looked up to see Kurama in front of me.
"Did the great Uchiha just embarrass himself"
I saw Naruto running down the hallway back to me.
Kurama noticed as well,
"If anything happens, you have my number"
I nodded and Kurama turned to the smiling Naruto.
"I'll miss you, Kurama"
He'll miss him?! Naruto hugged him and when he let go he look up at him with a smile.
"I'll be waiting for your return"
H-he hugged him! But that's normal, it's normal when you leave someone that's been taking care off you ever since you were a child for a few days. It's normal. Naruto stood right next to me as I started opening the door. Naruto turned around for one last time to looked at Kurama,
"I'll see you later"
"Bye Naruto"
Naruto turned back around and walked out of the door with me.

[ Kurama POV ]
Saskue, don't think that I didn't see that jealously a mile away when Naruto said he was going to miss me. Who knows maybe Naruto might end up losing something when he's at Saskue's house. With kids these days anything is possible.
"Hey Kurama, where are those drinks"
"There in my hands, Son"

[ Sasuke POV ]
"Now that I've seen your house with out losing blood"
He was looking around with a sparkle in eyes.
"This is this I've been invited to a friends house before"
I feel hurt that he called me a friend. Is this what it feels like when you've been friend zoned?
"Young Master, it looks like you brought a friend with you today"
"I would you to prepare the room right next to mine and put his stuff there"
"Are you sure about that room, Master"
"Did I stutter"
"No master"
The maid took Naruto's stuff out of his hands and walked away to prepare the room. I looked at Naruto and he was looking at with sparking eyes. I felt my face heat up a little,
"What do you want to do first Naruto"
He turned his attention back to the house,
"I'll show you around then"
He looked at me with a big, bright eyes and a big smile.

The tour was more tiring than I thought it would be. Naruto kept asking me to open the doors to my parents room. He stoped after the tenth time asking. I said no like I said all the other times but that time besides asking again he just kept walking. I swear when he stoped for a split second, I saw a slight twitch in his smile and a little sadness in his eyes. It was quickly replaced with a question about ramen. Even if it was just for a second I felt a small bubble of guilt rising up.
"Teme, after this let's watch a movie"
"That's if you can find a bottom to that bottomless appetite of yours"
He rubbed the back of his head and laughed,
"Your right"
I watched him eat bowl after bowl of ramen until he said he was full and rubbing his stomach.
"That was good"
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
"I hoped you enjoy that fancy meal of yours too"
Did that just happen? Naruto read my mind.
"What movie should we watch"
"I don't know either"
He did it again! How did he know what I'm thinking when I didn't sat anything related to it? He must be a mind reader.
"How about we watch this one"
He picked a movie called The Old Guard to watch. I've heard that this movie was a good one but I haven't watched it yet.

I never an movie starting by killing the main people in the movie.
"Saskue what do you want to do next"
"Your guest here so you choose what you want to do"
He started taping his index finger against his chin. When he came to answer he pointed his finger straight up.
"Let's go for a walk"
"Are you sure, it's dark outside"
"It's fine. We're just going for a walk"
He grabbed my hand and lead me to the front door.
"Besides if something happens I've got you my right by my side, you'll protect me"
I felt my heart skip a beat,
He's really the cutest thing ever.

We went back inside after our little walk. I lead him to his room.
"Goodnight, Dobe"
"Night, Teme"
We walked into our separate rooms and went to sleep.

[ Maid POV ]
I was finishing up my chores of cleaning. Master has been lively ever since his friend stepped into the house. I heard a sound coming from the bedroom where Master's friend was sleeping. I shone my flash light on whatever was made that noise. It was the Master's friend.
"Is there something I could get you, sir"
"Just call me Naruto"
He was walking towards the room where him and Saskue watched the movie.
"Is there something you would like Naruto"
"Do you have think I could have some water"
"Of course"
I walked to the kitchen and got the young man some water. When I got back to the movie room I saw Naruto sitting on the couch with the lights dimmed.
"Here you are, Naruto"
I handed him the glass of water and he took it.
"Thank you"
I watched was he drank the glass of water and set it down on the table in front of him.
"Is there something else you need"
"Yes, I would like you not to tell Saskue that I went out of the room I'm staying in tonight"
"Of course"
Why would he want to keep that a secret from Master Saskue? I walked to my room in the servant quarters.

[ Third Person POV ]
The next few days that Naruto stayed at Saskue's house was fun for them. They were getting closer and getting to know one another each day. On the fourth day, in school, between the first and second classes there was an announcement being made, not by the person behind the loudspeaker, but the students.
"A fight broke out in the hallway. It's three against one, Baui, Baji, and Baki v.s Naruto"
Saskue put his hands on the desk and stood up.


Word Count: 1692

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