Chapter 35: Nine

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[ Third Person POV ]
It's been a week since Sasuke and Naruto had seen each other or even talked to each other. Sasuke had started going to classes again while Naruto wats forced o stay home.

Naruto was alone at home because the others were in class and Kurama was out going grocery shopping. Naruto heard a knock on the door while he was watching TV on the couch. He was told not to open the door when no one was around but it started to annoy him when the person kept knocking. Naruto opened the door,
Naruto didn't recognize the person who knocked on his door but what he did notice was the guy standing farther back. It was Sasuke's brother, Itachi. Naruto sighed,
"I don't want to buy anything"
After that he closed to the door in peace and walked back to the couch. Naruto sighed,
"I thought something was going to happen"

There were three people standing in a dark room unable to see each other's faces. On man started speaking,
"Is he attached to someone"
Another man nodded,
"It seems so, but he hasn't shown any signs of the disease. He either doesn't love the person or they love each other"
The first man spoke again,
"I see"
He paused than continued speaking.
"I want you to kill the person he's attached to"
Two of the men bowed in response to the order they were given,

Naruto was taking a small stroll. He knew everyone told him to stay inside but the Akatsuki already knew where he was so he though.
'What's the point'
Naruto stoped in front of Ichiraku and started checking his pockets for his wallet. Naruto pulled something out of his pocket,
"I brought it"
Naruto walked inside Ichiraku with a smile on his face.

Naruto placed his second bowl of ramen on top of his first.
"That was good"
Ayame looked at him,
"Done on your second bowl"
Naruto replied,
He rubbed the back of his head,
"...I wasn't supposed to go outside today so I have to get back before anyone notices"
Teuchi sighed,
"Your still getting grounded at the age of 19"
Naruto laughed a little,
He placed some money on the counter and got up.
"I'll be back"
Naruto walked out of the small ramen shop.

Naruto was walking pen the street heading back home. Naruto was walking the peacefully down the street. As he turned the last corner everything went dark.

Kurama walked into the house expecting Naruto to be sitting on the couch watching TV. The only thing he found was the TV playing some stupid comedy show. Kurama came to the conclusion that Naruto was in the place he would always go to when he was a child. Kurama sighed,
"I wish Kushina told me about the room"

Everyone had started getting worried. Naruto hadn't been home for three days and no one has seen him. They even went to Naruto's favorite ramen place and even they said that they haven't seen him since he disappeared. They even tried going to Sasuke's house but Naruto hadn't gone there either.

Kiba slammed his fist on the table,
"Damn it"
Tenten touched Kiba gently to hot Kiba to calm down.
"He knee he was being targeted but that dumbass went outside anyway"
"We can talk about that later but right now we have to find Naruto"
Neji agreed with Sai,
"Sai's right. The most important thing right now is getting Naruto"
Ino was getting desperate,
"How can we do that when his tracker isn't even working"
Sai patted Ino's back,
"Calm down"
Ino couldn't stop,
"And Sasuke's not in his right mind to help us"
Sai kept trying to calm Ino down,
This time it was Ino who hit the table,
"He's just a selfish bastard"
Tenten yelled,
Ino stoped complaining and bowed her head.
"I'm just angry"
Kurama spoke,
"He's just stressed"
Choji was getting suspicious,
"Stressed? What could he be stressed about beside his boyfriend disappearing"
Shikamaru spoke up,
"Friends with benefits"
Choji snapped back,
"Whatever they are"
Kurama spoke in a calm voice,
"Naruto told Sasuke the reason behind the Uchiha massacre"
The room went silent. All of them knew why the Uchiha massacre happened. All of them came to the same conclusion,
'Sasuke thinks it's Naruto's fault that's his families dead but he loves Naruto to much'

Sasuke was sitting in his last class bored. He was thinking about Naruto's friends came to his house recently.

[ Sasuke POV ]
They asked me if I saw Naruto recently with concerned faces. They rushed out so suddenly when I told them no. Something must have happened to Naruto. They should be able to find him just like they did last time but.....
Those faces they had weren't carefree like the were before. Something bad must have happened to Naruto but do I have the right to worry about him anymore. I mean, I walked out and didn't go back to him. I left even though I know he would suffer like he did last time. Maybe I should help them to find Naruto. I should leave it to them alone but I'll still have this feeling. I don't like this felling one bit but the only way I can get rid of it is when I'm with Naruto. He probably doesn't want to see me anymore so I should just leave him alone. I want to see Naruto's smile, feel Naruto's hands, stand by him, but....
I don't know if Naruto will allow me to do that.

[ Thord Person POV ]
Naruto woke up tied to a chair with multiple shadows surrounding him. He used Second to look around and see all of the people's faces. There were nine people in the room including Naruto. There were two girls and the rest were guys. Naruto started joking around,
'Look Second we found you a friend'
Second was getting annoyed,
'How can you joke on a situation like this'
Naruto was getting amused,
"Hehehe, can you blame me"
The was a small chuckle of a girl in the room,
"Looks like we have another self talker"
Naruto replied,
"Another? I bet all of us are"
The girl laughed,
"Your right"
There was a sarcastic male voice,
"Why don't we all have a lovely conversation before we die"
Someone replied to the comment with a,
That made Naruto think of Sasuke. Naruto spoke next,
"The best way to die is slowly and painfully"
An older man replied,
"Are you addicted to pain"
An older women replied,
"Can't you say all of use are addicted to pain"
Naruto spoke out again,
Another male spoke,
"Can we focus on getting a way out of here please"
A lower sounding voice responded,
"Who said we weren't doing that"
Naruto spoke again,
"I've already untied the restraints"
Naruto had fiddled with the restraints as they were having the short and sweet conversation about death. Naruto got out of the chair and started walking towards the other people with Second's help.

Naruto managed to untie all of the restraints with a few injuries. They all sat on a circle like they were before but closer so they wouldn't have to yell. They all introduced themselves to each other. Naruto clapped his hands together,
"Now that we know everyone's name what should we do now"
"I have a question for you"
Naruto responded,
"Your name was Fuu right"
Fuu responded in a joyful voice,
"Right, I want to know how you can see us all"
Naruto tilted his head,
"I can only see shadow right now"
Yagura entered the conversation,
Naruto gasped,
"Who taught a little boy such crude words"
Naruto got yelled at,
"I am 20 years old damn it"
"You've haven't even been in your first relationship yet"
Second took over,
"If I remember correctly haven't either, friends with benefits"
Naruto took control,
"Shut up Second"
There was a chuckle from Utakata,
"Someone's having a little trouble over there"
Naruto pouted,
"We just hadn't made it official"
Killer Bee made another rap,
"Looks like a fellow bro has a love problem yo"
"Oh shit up we were just fine"
The old man Roushi spoke next,
"We just had a fight"
Second took over again,
"It all went like this..."
Second told the rest of the nine about the problems regarding Sasuke.

Yugito sighed,
"So basically Naruto's carrying all of the burden while Sasuke has nothing"
Second nodded,
"Something like that"
Killer Bee started rapping again,
"This Sasuke dude must be feeling useless cause your holing all the burden ya"
"But when I tried telling him everything last time he freaked out and walked off"
Han spoke,
"It was regarding his brother of course he was going to walk out"
"So I should talk to him again"
Fuu gave Second a thumbs up,
Second sighed,
"We should all exchange numbers of we survive this"
Fuu was excited,
"We should call it the chat Special Nine"
There was a hidden speaker in the room the nine were kept in and it worked.
"That's if we let you go"
Naruto took over again,
"Tch, they were listening the whole time"
The nine of them just sat in silence after that.


Word Count: 1553

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