Chapter 10: Sick

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[ Naruto POV ]
I woke up and I felt weight on the side of the bed. I looked over and saw Sasuke asleep. I decided to sit up. When I did, I felt damp rag fall from my head. I stared at the rag and moved my gaze to Sasuke. I felt a little smile tug at the corners of my mouth. I took the rag and draped it over the side of the tub of water. I got up very slowly making sure not to wake Sasuke up. Both of my feet touched the floor and I stood up. My body was heavy and my vision was distorted. I walked to the door slowly making sure I didn't fall and opened the door quietly making sure I don't wake up Sasuke. I closed the door, it looked like everything was spinning. I kept moving towards the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I got to the kitchen, stumbling a few times. The hardest thing about this mission was getting the glass from the cabinet. I was reaching for the handle to open the cabinet when someone else got to it first.
"You should be in bed resting"
I'm sure I didn't wake Sasuke up when I left the room. I turned around to face him and smiled.
"I'm all better so there's nothing to worry about me anymore"
He touched my head with his hand,
"Don't be stupid, you don't want to make your fever worse"
I removed his hand from my head,
"I feel fine so you don't have to worry"
"You might feel fine but your body says differently"
I coughed a few times,
"What are you talking about"
"Naruto be serious with yourself"
"I feel fine"
"Tell me that when your collapsed on the floor"
"It won't happen"
I walked to the fridge and opened the door. I can't figure out which ones the water jug. I think it's this one. I just grabbed a random container from the fridge.
"You wanted milk dobe"
I walked over to the counter to place the milk on it. Sasuke place the cup he got right next to the jug of milk. It took me three times to grabbed the handle again. I opened the jug and started to pour milk into the cup.
"Your making a mess"
I stoped pouring the milk into the cup and set the jug down.
"I'm sorry"
I went to pick up the cup but the cup wasn't there.
"Sasuke where did the cup go"
"It's right where I put it"
"But it's not there"
"I didn't put the cup there"
I was touching every cup that I could see. I finally found it farther from the place Sasuke put it down. I thought he put the cup down right here.
"What you were pouring wasn't milk"
It wasn't.
"It was water"
"You said it was-"
"I lied"
He lied to me. Someone lied to me again.
"Your body is heavy because you have a fever and your vision is distorted because of blood loss"
I started walking back to the room I woke up in
"I'll go lay back down then"
"Tell me something before you go back to your room"
I kept walking trying to avoid the question Sasuke was going to ask.
"Why haven't you been sleeping"
I froze where I stood. They told him, they promised they wouldn't tell him but they did. I turned around to face him. I was going to reply but he beat me to it.
"Don't lie to me"
I put a smile on my face and waved my hand at him.
"I just couldn't sleep, that's all. I've never been at someone else's house before to I was a little nervous"
This wasn't a lie. I was nervous about staying the night here.
"There's something else isn't there"
Why does he keep pressing the issue? It's none of his concern. I'll just be a bigger burden to him if he finds out. He shouldn't care about what happens to me.
"I'm going to lay back down okay. As you said I haven't slept for days so please don't wake me up"
I walked back to the room without the cup of water I came to the kitchen for.

[ Sasuke POV ]
He was lying to me. I guess this means he really doesn't trust me after all. I'll just have to call and ask Kurama. I took out my phone and called Kurama.
"I'm having some trouble with Naruto"
"Let me guess what your thinking right now"
Why is he joking right now?
"This is serious"
"Your thinking that Naruto doesn't trust you"
How did he know that?
"I've been with Naruto all his life. I know how he thinks hand the conclusions the people around him come up with"
Is this guy telepathic?
"You see little Naru thinks of himself as a burden and he's correct"
How could he say something like that about Naruto?I squeezed my phone that was in my hand.
"He has an uncontrollable second personality, he can't sleep at night, any medicine won't work, and he's always getting himself into trouble"
"How could you-"
"But he comes though when it counts the most. Now that that conversation is over what problems are you having with little Naru"
"How can I get him to sleep"
"There are only three ways to get that boy to sleep. One, knock him out.
Two, wait until he wears himself out and passes out because of exhaustion.
Three, he changes into his second personality"
"One last problem, Naruto has a fever"
"Medicine, drugs, or poisons doesn't work on him so he has to tough it out until he gets better"
"Is there nothing we can do"
"He toughed it out when he was younger, he can do it again"
"Let me give you some information"
"The more blood that comes out of the body the more uncontrollable it gets"
I hung up after his little tip and walked to the room Naruto is. I opened the door and saw Naruto 'sleeping' on the bed.
"You can wake up"
He didn't move.
"Dobe I know your awake so get up"
He sat up with his head down,
"Do you need something"
"Are you hungry"
"You haven't eaten anything since this morning so eat something"
He didn't look up at me. He just answered me with a weak and small voice.
I walked closer to him and he flinched waiting for something to happen.
"Look at me"
He turned his head and looked me straight in the eye. His eyes are weren't bright as usual but a sad and clouded. I placed my hand on the side of his cheek.
"You are not a burden do you hear me. You will never be a burden to me"
I saw a little sparkle on his eye.
"It doesn't matter what you do, you will never be a burden to me"
He was trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in his eyes.
"Now give me a smile"
He turned his depressed face into a happy one. He gave me a closed eye smile.
"I'll bring your dinner okay"

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