Chapter 6: Progress?

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[ Ino POV ]
Kurama told me that Naruto and Sasuke were in the living room. When I walked into the living room, I saw Sasuke and Naruto looking into each other's eyes. They looked so cute together. I waited on the corner to see if they'd kiss but billboard brow got in the way and scream Saskue's name. They looked away from each other. Sasuke stood up and Naruto laid back down. Damn forehead I swear they were about to kiss and you ruined it. I clenched my first together to stop myself from slapping her. Kurama walked out of the kitchen and walked over to me. He saw the tick mark forming on my forehead and whispered to me.
"Is everything okay"
I whispered back,
"Billboard Brow messes up a good kissing atmosphere for them"
"Damn, that sucks"
Kurama clapped his hands and all attention was turned to him.
"Dinners ready"
Naruto shot up with an excited face. He stood up and headed to the dining room probably wondering if there was ramen on the table. He peeked his head back into the living room.
"Kurama where's the ramen"
"You were just injured and you expect to be ramen at the table"
Kurama was getting irritated,
"You eat what's on the table or you eat nothing at all"
Naruto disappeared back into the dining room.
"Sakura would you get everyone for dinner"
Good job Kurama. Get Sakura as far away from Sasuke as possible.
"Sakura go get them"
Sakura stomped away to get everyone.

[ Sasuke POV ]
There when 11 people sitting at the dining table including me. All of the people I saw when I walked though the door and there were some people I haven't seen before. The food was spread all over the table. There was meat, vegetables, fruit, and some other things. Everyone's plates were empty. They all clapped their hands and bowed they're heads.
"Thank you for the food"
They all put their heads up and started passing the food around the table.
"Choji don't take all the meat"
The man with the spiky, long, light brown hair got hit on the head by the girl with china bun hair. The man didn't put the meat down until the plate was empty.
"Choji want are you thinking"
Choji kept eating with joy on his face. Sakura was trying to pass me her plate that had meat on it but she was three people away so by the time I got the plate there was only one piece of meat on the plate. I looked to my right where the plate came from and saw Naruto stuffing his face with the meat that was supposed to be mine. I grabed Naruto's cheeks and stretched them out.
"Give me back my meat"
He tried talking but his mouth was full so it sounded like gibberish. Naruto continued chewing and then swallowed. I pinched his cheeks harder. His cheeks were so soft.
"Kiba took half of the meat on the plate, be great full I left you one"
"I would have been happier if you left me everything that was on the plate"
"Don't worry everyone"
Kurama came from the kitchen with plates of meat.
"There's more meat"
Choji was the first one to get to the plates of meat but Kurama kicked him back.
"I told you there was more meat"
I let go of Naruto's cheeks and Kurama walked over to me with the plates of meat.
"Take however many you want"
"Thank you"
I choose to eat about twenty pieces of meat. The next person to get the plates of meat was Naruto. The meat kept get passed around the table until everyone got the meat they wanted. Choji got another plate of meat.

When everyone was finished eating the stacked the plates and headed of their separate ways. After I changed into the clothes I was given by Kurama. Pinky clung to me like her life depended on it. Naruto went to his office to get his work done. I wanted to follow him but Sakura dragged my back to the living room so we could watch a movie together. When Sakura fell asleep I managed to get out of her hold and tried to find the office.

[ Shino POV ]
I saw someone that's new to the house.
The man flinched and turned around to face me.
"Who are you"
He was looking at me up and down in a weird way.
"Are you looking for something"
"I'm trying to find the office"
"I'll take you there"
I lead the man to the office. I knocked on the door.
"Naruto you have a visitor"
"Let them in"
I opened the door to reveal Naruto doing his work at the desk. He looked up to see who the visitor was and put his head back down. The man just walked in and sat on a couch and I closed the door.

[ Sasuke POV ]
I was surprised when I saw Naruto at his desk doing actual work.
"Have you come here to give me the homework you were supposed be to deliver"
I placed his homework on the desk and sat back down on the couch. We sat there in silence as Naruto did his work and I watched him. He was opening a lettter with a sharp letter opener and accidentally cut himself. His head fell down and when his lifted his head he changed into a different person. He looked around the room and looked at me with a sadistic smile creeping up his face. He stood up and walked in front of me,
"Your the guy from earlier"
"Naruto sit back down and finish your work"
He sit on my lap causing my face to turn red,
"Than let's get to work"
He twirled the letter opener in his hand then placed it against my skin. He drew blood from my face and touched it.
"You know Saskue your blood is really nice"
He kept playing around with the blood that was coming from my face.
"Naruto finish your paperwork"
He tilted his head and stoped playing with my blood.
He turned around to face the room and I begin to feel my face heating up.
"Because you have to"
He licked the blood off of his fingers from my face making my heart skip a beat.
"Naruto get off of me"
He stoped licking the blood off his fingers, turned his head, and looked at me with a straight face.
"I'm staying right here"
He started licking the blood off again. After he licked all of the blood he licked his lips.
"I always wanted to know what blood tasted like"
I couldn't move because Naruto turned around and licked more blood off my face. I could feel myself getting hard.

[ Ino POV ]
I was walking to my room when I saw Sakura looking for Saskue and was about to open the door to the office. I snuck up behind her. She covered her mouth and noise with a handkerchief that had a sleeping agent soaked into it. I laid Sakura on the ground and slowly opened the door to the office and saw Naruto on top of Saskue. I saw how red Saskue was turning. This is what you call an improvement. I took a quick picture and ran to find Kurama.

[ Saskue POV ]
When Naruto was done with my blood he just sat on my lap facing forward like he did before.
"You know Saskue, your the first person who let me taste their blood"
"I bet I am"
"I wonder if that's the reason your blood tastes so sweet"
He's calmed down from before.
"Are you alright now"
He leaned against my shoulder and fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around Naruto to make sure he doesn't fall over and laid my head on his shoulder.

[ Kurama POV ]
Ino told me that there saw something spicy going on in the office so I was rushing to the office. I met Ino on the way to the office and saw Sakura on the floor.
"I want to know how it turned out"
I slowly and quietly opened the door to the office. Sasuke's arms wrapped around Naruto's waist and his head was resting on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto was leaning against Saskue's shoulder. Both of them sleeping peacefully. I looked over to Ino fanning over the position the two were in and taking as many pictures as possible.


Word count: 1423

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