Chapter 26: Ambushed

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[ Sasuke POV ]
Maybe he'll feel better after eating this. I plated the food I made. Should I wait for him? Yeah, I'll wait for a little while. I sat down on a bar stool and waited.

He's taking a long time. I got out of the chair and walked down the hall. I turned two corner and ended up in front of an opened door. I walked inside and looked around.
I looked on his bed and saw an open journal. I kept staring at the journal. I turned my head away,
"I shouldn't..."
It seems like that journal is important. If it is I shouldn't touch it. Then again, the secrets he's hiding from me should be in there. Those are his secrets so he'll tell me eventually. Will eventually be when he's dead? I'll just read the open page. I walked towards the book and picked it up. I started reading the top of the page.

[ Naruto POV ]
I walked out of the bathroom and saw Sasuke reading the journal I had put down. I ran towards Sasuke and covered his eyes with with the towel around my neck.
"What are you doing"
He dropped the journal and tugged at the towel.
"I was coming to get you"
I pulled the towel with one hand and pushed Sasuke's back with the other.
"Of course you were"
I turned him around and lead him outside the room.
"Can you take this off"
He kept trying to take the towel off his eyes and I pulled on the towel again.
"Keep walking"
I kept pushing him to walk forward and he kept walking.
"Is this what it feels like to be in a prison"
I stopped pushing him and took the towel off his face. He turned around,
"What was that for"
"It's wrong for you to read someone's diary"
"That didn't seem like a diary"
I sighed and pushed him around the corner.
"Just wait for me"
I turned around and started walking back to my room.

I picked up the journal and looked though it making sure no pages were missing. I opened the wall and picked up a blue journal. I opened the leather journal and memorized everything in. I placed the blue journal on the night stand and closed the wall up again.

I walked into the dining room and saw ramen on the table. I felt a smile spread across my face as I ran to the ramen. I sat down at the table, picked up the chopsticks, and started eating.

I drank the broth from the bowl and sighed.
"That was the best"
"Glad you liked it"
I looked up and smiled.
"That was the best ramen ever"
Sasuke walked closer to the table and picked up the bowl. He looked at me,
"Do you want another bowl"
"There's more"
He nodded and I felt my smile getting wider.
"Another bowl"
Sasuke turned around and walked into the kitchen.

[ Sasuke POV ]
Naruto sighed as he placed his bowl on the table. He looked up,
"Is there more"
His smile started fading and he looked down at the empty bowl. I'll have to go to the store for ingredients to make more. Naruto pulled my out of my thoughts,
I looked at him,
Naruto gave me a gentle smile,
"Thank you"
I turned my head to stop the heat from spreading across my face. I faced Naruto again and picked up the bowl.
"I'll start with the dishes"
I started walking away but Naruto grabbed the bowl out of my hand.
"I'll do it"
He started walking towards the kitchen and I followed him.
"You shouldn't"
"I have to do something to repay you"
"Then let me read that journal from earlier"
He stoped walking,
"Your nosy"
"I want to know"
"I buried it"
He continued his walk to the kitchen.

Me and Naruto were sitting in chairs in the houses meeting room studying.
I didn't looked up from the laptop in front of me.
"I want to go outside"
Where do you want to go?
"The Uchiha Company roof"
"Because I want to breath air from up that high"
I closed the laptop and stood up. Naruto looked at me,
"Are we going now"
He closed his book and stood up along side me.

I parked the car in the my parking spot and got out. I looked right and saw Naruto closed the door. He was looking up at the top of the building. I started walking,
"Let's go"
I heard his footsteps rush to my side. I looked over at Naruto and saw him pull his hood over his eyes. I opened the door to the office and attention turned to me.
"Good afternoon sir"
I kept walking though the office and looked at Naruto every so often.
I turned to look at a worker.
"Sakura Haruno is waiting for you in your office"
Looks like I have some trouble before I can go to the roof with Naruto. I heard the footsteps that belonged Naruto stop. I turned around and saw that someone had grabbed Naruto's wrist.
"Who are you"
Naruto turned his head but didn't respond.
"I asked you a question"
He didn't respond again. Instead of being asked the question again the worker let go of Naruto's wrist and backed away. Naruto continued walking to the roof without a word.

I opened the office door on the top floor with Naruto leaning against the wall out of Sakura's sight. Sakura was siting on the chair in front of the desk. She turned around,
"What do you want Sakura"
"Come back to me"
"I told you that we're over"
"You don't know yet"
I looked at her and listened to her.
Naruto rushed into the room and covered her mouth.
"Your really disgusting you know"
I heard muffled words coming from Sakura.
"You can't have want you want so you destroy other people"
More muffled words came out of her mouth. Naruto dropped her on the floor and ran towards me.

[ Naruto POV ]
'There are guns outside the door'
I dropped the banshee and ran towards Sasuke. I reached Sasuke and made him lay on the floor while bullets shot though the wall. Right after the shooters  stoped shooting I pulled Sasuke up and ran out the door pushing people out of the way. I ran along the walls looking at the floor.
"Found it"
I bent down and opened a secret compartment. I looked back to Sasuke,
"Grab some"
He grabbed a hand gun and some knives.

We kept running though the building avoiding bullets.
I looked at Sasuke and he pulled me in a room before bullets started going down the hallway. We stoped to catch our breath and I started coughing.
"Are you going to be alright"
I gave in a thumbs up with my clean hand.
'They're coming'
I raised my head and looked at Sasuke. He pulled my hood off my head and looked into my eyes. His attention switched from my eyes to the people behind me. Sasuke raised his gun and pulled the trigger over my head. I covered my ears,
'That was loud'
Sasuke grabbed my wrist and started running again. I turned around and started shooting the people behind us.

Sasuke opened the door to the stairs. He picked me put and swung me over his shoulder.
"What are you doing"
"Focus on shooting"
He started running down the stairs while people started opening the door.
'You have to take over'
'Got it'
I let Second take over and watched as he killed everyone behind Sasuke with a head shot. He gave me control and I reloaded the gun. I waited for other people to show up in front of me. Sasuke pulled me off his shoulder and held me bridal style.
I started shooting the people in front of me when Second took over and shot people behind us.
"I need another gun"
"Take mine"
I reached for Sasuke's gun on his waist with my empty hand. I grabbed it and let Second start shooting people behind and in front of us.

We reached the garage and Saskue threw me into the passenger seat.
"Couldn't you have been a little gentler with a sick person"
He started the car and drove out of the garage onto the road. I looked back,
"They're still following us"
"The glove box"
I opened the glove box and grabbed a mini machine gun. I rolled the window down and started shooting out the window. The people in the cars started shooting back at us. I aimed for the drivers and the tires. I ran out of ammunition and went back into the car. I looked around the area,
"Sasuke turned here"
He turned into a restaurant parking lot. He turned to me,
"What know"
I smiled,
"Abandon the car"
We got out of the car. I picked up a container of gasoline from the trunk, poured the gasoline on the car, took out a lighter, and set the car on fire. After I was sure the car was burning we ran into an alleyway and I ran my hand against the wall. I found the hidden key pad and typed in the code. The wall separated and I pulled Sasuke into the room. The door closed and and the lights turned on. The lights showed a lounge connected to a kitchen with ten doors.
"So guys..."
I looked at everyone siting on the couches,
" was Russia"


Word Count: 1611

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