Chapter 37: Betting Fun

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[ Third Person POV ]
Naruto was looking around the room they were in using Second trying to find some sort of light switch. When Naruto found one he stood up and walked towards it. He pushed the switch and the lights flashed on hurting everyone's eyes. Naruto stoped using Seconds eyes and looked around the room. There was a clock hanging on the wall, canned food stacked near a small door, and a toilet in the corner. Naruto walked back to the group and sat down. Fuu rushed to the cans and opened one. She started eating the peaches that were in the can. Han told Fuu to pass some to them and she did. They ate the canned peaches because it felt like they hadn't eaten for days. They had no way of keeping track of time in the dark so it might have been days.

They started using the clock to keep track of time and Naruto realized that food came though the small door every day at 12 o'clock without fail. They had to be careful about how much they eat because only one can is sent into the room every day.

All nine of them were sitting a circle eating peaches. Fuu started the conversation first,
"Let's make a bet"
Yagura answered with boredom,
"What kind of bet"
"$10000 dollars for anyone who can guess who long we've been in here"
Han seemed interested in the bet,
"From the time the first one of us came in here or the last"
"We all got here within one hour intervals to each other so I'd say from the last person"
Roushi stoped in,
"Can we really afford to waste that much money"
Naruto started getting cocky,
"Are you scared old man"
"I was just thinking that we should raise it to $100000"
Fuu covered he cat looking smile,
"Oh ho ho, someone's getting cocky"
Naruto raised his hand like in a poker game,
"I raise 1 million"
Fuu was starting to act like an announcer,
"Another high bet folks"
Utakata started betting as well,
"I raise $1000"
Yagura chuckled,
"Are you sure you have that kind of money"
"I have enough"
"I raise my homie Utakata by 4 million yo"
An 'Tch' came from Han. They continued betting and at one point Gaara joined in to raising the price even higher.

The betting price stoped changing and Fuu announced the final price.
"Whoever wins will got 2 billion from each person coming up to the total of 16 billion dollars"
They decided that they would say their answers after they were saved because that was when they were getting out of the room. If that happened before the Akatsuki get us attached to one of their members.

Fuu sighed,
"What are we going to do now"
Naruto gave a suggestion,
"How about we make another bet"
Gaara asked,
"What will we be betting about this time"
"Who gets us out of here"
They placed the bet at $500000 without raising it like the last time. Everyone bet on their own group wining but Naruto.
"I bet all of the groups will work together"
Killer bee rapped,
"Fool ya fool"
Yagura agreed,
"The groups haven't made contact even once since they split thousands of years ago"
Gaara looked at Naruto with eyes filled with interest.
"Why do you think that"
Naruto shrugged,
"A gut feeling"
Roushi looked at Naruto with disbelief,
"That's it"
Naruto smiled,
"That's it"
They just sat in silence again watching the clock to win the 16 billion dollars.


Word Count: 588

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