Chapter 31: What has been Hidden

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[ Third Person POV ]
Sasuke had finished telling Naruto everything he hated about the way he acted.
"You want to know everything I've been hiding Sasuke"
"I want to know everything your hiding from me and everything that is a burden to you"
Naruto took a deep breath,
"The disease was most definitely...."
Naruto was trying to stall for time. He did not want to tell Saskue because of how Sasuke was going to react to the truth. Sasuke could break down just by this one truth. If that had happened, how would Naruto be able to tell Sasuke everything he had wanted to hear.
"I can handle anything"
He could handle anything? Was that really true? Could Naruto really tell Sasuke everything and they would still be able to stand side by side. Would they still be able to act the way they had before? Is that really possible?
"The disease I had was without a doubt caused by you"
Sasuke felt pain. Naruto almost died because of him. Naruto saw the look in Sasuke's eyes and knew that the one truth was effecting Sasuke greatly. If one made Sasuke like this, how would Sasuke react to everything else he had to say? Could he hold himself together though the painful secrets he was a spit to learn?
"Second told me a love story about a boy and a girl that ended in tragedy. He told me that I would end up just like the girl if I ever fell in love. Every one of the nine knew love was a dangerous thing and wanted to stay far away from it"
Naruto smiled,
"Even though I tried to stay away I fell in love with you in high school anyway. I became attached to you after Second ingested your blood and now I can't live without you"
Naruto shifted,
"I had no choice but to leave in high school. I got into a fight at school because some girls were jealous about me staying at your house. Second fought the fight and people recorded it. Because of that incident, I had to move out of the country. During that time you forgot everything about me, including your feelings. You didn't love me anymore. I started growing weak. I couldn't sleep unless I passed out from exhaustion so I waited for the time I would become to exhausted. Even when that happened I could never sleep for more than 30 minutes"
Naruto rubbed the back of his head,
"And you know the rest"
Sasuke didn't like what Naruto was saying. He started to understand why Naruto had kept the truth from him the whole time. He understood that Naruto just wanted to protect him from his own heart. Naruto had just wanted to protect Sasuke and take on all of the burden no matter how large.
"Is there anything else your hiding"
Naruto was scared. If the last truth hurt Sasuke that much how would the next one make him feel? Naruto knew that if he continued Sasuke would break. Even though he knew, Naruto continued,
"The reason Itachi killed the main Uchiha blood line"
Another hit. Naruto knew the reason behind Itachi killing their family.
"What is it"
"It would be best if you read it yourself"

Naruto lead Sasuke down the hall and opened the door to the room where important documents were stored. Naruto walked to a file cabinet that had been named 'Uchiha'. He opened the file cabinet and pulled out one of the files. Naruto walked over to Sasuke and handed him the file.
"This will tell you everything"
Sasuke opened the file and the only thing in it was a letter from is brother, Itachi. The letter had spoke about how the Uchiha group was becoming corrupted and they need to be disposed of as soon as possible.
"I don't get it"
While Sasuke was reading the letter Naruto had become comfortable on the couch.
"Why did Itachi have to do it"
"It had to be efficient as possible. My family couldn't do it because they would be on guard but no one would expect the heir to kill the main family"
Sasuke had started yelling,
"So what, what did your family have to do with this"
Naruto took a deep breath,
"For a long time this mafia group along with four had maintained peace by keeping other groups in line"
Naruto had to keep himself together to explain it throughly with no stuttering.
"The Uchiha's were threatening the peace in Hidden Leaf's territory and my family had a duty to stop them before anything happened. Itachi had volunteered to kill them as long as we fulfilled his wishes"
"What were they"
Naruto put on finger up,
"Only kill the main blood line"
He put up a second finger,
"Give the Uchiha's another chance"
He added a third finger,
"Last, make sure his brother, Sasuke Uchiha, lives a happy and fulfilling life"
Sasuke was stunned. His brother killed the rest of their family in order for him to survive. He lived to build a new Uchiha group that would not go against Hidden Leaf.
"As long as your in Japan you will have to live under one of the groups rules"
Naruto talked with the strongest voice me could manage,
"Can you accept that wherever you go, you will always be ruled by someone"
Sasuke pointed a gun at Naruto,
"I'll kill every one of you for my revenge"
"Can you kill the person you've cried for"
Sasuke's hand kept shaking unable for him to aim. Naruto was right, how could he kill someone he cared for so dearly.
"Even if you kill me, there will always be someone to take my place"
Naruto placed a hand on his chest,
"I am no more than a someone waiting to be killed"
Kurama walked in and saw what was going on. He saw the shaking gun pointed at Naruto and stayed calm. He wasn't worried for Naruto's safety because he knew that when Sasuke learned the truth this was going to happen.
"How long have you known"
"Since the beginning"
Naruto smiled,
"I was there when I happened after all"
Sasuke was about to pull the trigger,
"Your brother wanted to die as well but we didn't let him. The Akatsuki had started threatening the peace and we sent Itachi to gather information"
Naruto looked Sasuke straight in the eye,
"If you'd like, I could contact him for you"
Sasuke put the gun down and walked out of the room still holding the file given to him. Naruto knew it was going to come to this. Naruto stood up and started waking out of the room. Kurama spoke,
"Everything okay"
"I'll be fine"
Naruto walked passed Kurama and walked outside the room.

"Hey Kurama"
Shikamaru has walked up to Kurama.
"Do you know where Naruto is I have something I need to discuss with him"
"I don't know but may I ask what it was you need to tell him"
"I was think that it was best for us to live here"
"I don't think that's a problem so you can just move in"
Shikamaru nodded and walked away. Then Ino popped her head into the kitchen,
Kurama looked at Ino,
Ino walked into the kitchen all the way,
"I saw Sasuke heading outside without Naruto do you know of everything is alright"
"Both of them are not stable so I suggest you leave them alone for a while Ino"
Ino pouted,

Naruto was laying on a couch with a book in his hand. He was scared that Sasuke would never come back to him, that Sasuke wouldn't be at his side ever again. Naruto knew this was going to happen so why had he continued speaking. Why had he said the things he knew would push Sasuke off the edge? He had eve offered to call Itachi for him. Sasuke wanted to know everything and that was what Naruto intended to do. Now though, he was rethinking his decision. Naruto became unsure wither it was best to tell Sasuke everything or leave him in the dark.
"This is why I hate relationships covered in love"
He placed the book over his face,
"This is why I never liked the concept of love in the first place"
He sighed,
"I won't be able to able to sleep for a while"


Word Count: 1409

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