Chapter 23: A Story

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[ Narrator ]
A long time ago, there was a girl. She was isolated in a forest. She could remember nothing besides her small cabin and the forest. Every day she would climb the tallest tree to see the city, wishing she could walk down it's roads. One day the girl decided that she would go to the city. She ran though out the forest but no matter how fast or how far she ran, she would always end up back where she started.

Eventually, the girl gave up and walked inside the small cabin. She lived her daily routine of waking up, getting dressed, cooking, climbing trees, reading books, and sleeping. Until one day while the girl was climbing a tree she had saw an injured boy walking though the forest. Quickly she climbed down the tree and walked towards the boy. He turned his head. He saw the girl walking towards to him and asked for help.

The girl lead the boy to her cabin and treated his wounds. The girl was excited that she had meet another human. She started asking him questions about the city and everything else she wanted to see. The boy tired answering everything question but his stomach didn't want to until there was something in it. The girl laughed and walked to the kitchen to make food for the boy.

She placed a plate filled with food in front of the boy and stared while he ate. Occasionally the boy would look up to see the girl staring at him.

He pushed his plate aside showing the girl that he was finished. She picked up the plate and set it on the kitchen counter. Then she sat in front of the boy and asked how he got injured. He motioned with his hands as he explained how he was attacked by monsters when he was going back to his home. Then he asked about the girl. She explained how she had been living in the cabin ever since she could remember. The boy decided to tell the girl about the world beyond the forest. He told her everything and the girl listened to every word.

The two of them stayed in the cabin for a year. They had grown closer and started to fall in love. One day, the boy decided that it was time for him to go back to the city. The girl was sad that her friend was going to leave her but then they boy asked her a question.
"Would you like to come to the city with me"
The girl declined,
"I am trapped inside this forest"
The boy smiled at her,
"Why don't you try again"
The girl ran though the forest holding hands with the boy heading to the city.

The girl had gotten out of her lonely cabin and got to see the city she always wanted to see. She recalled everything from the stories the boy told and pointed them out with a smile. The boy watched with a smile as she ran around in joy.

They stoped in front of an adventurers guild and opened the door. Everyone's attention turned to the two kids holding hands. They walked up to the registration desk together and asked to become adventurers. They lady told them that they were to young to throw their lives away. They didn't care and both of them registered to be adventurers.

They went on multiple quests together. Slaying monsters, helping kids, escorting nobles, they did it all. Both of them had become strong and they had grown to love each other. They had gotten a house to together and acted like a married couple.

Unfortunately one day they were face with a dragon. A quest that had been to search for gold on mines ended with a dragon. They attacked it with everything they had and it didn't do anything. Both the girl and the boy were no longer able to move when the dragon was getting ready for it's final attack. The boy yelled for someone to save him. The girl started to stand up and picked up her sword. She fell and cut her arm while falling. She lifted her head with blue eyes and not her natural emerald. She picked up the sword and stabbed herself. The boy looked over at her and thought she had gone insane. The girl ran and picked up the boy running out of the dragons range. The dragon attacked while the girl was running. The boy looked up at the girl's sapphire eyes as she was running and thought they were beautiful. The girl set the boy against a rock and licked some blood off his face. The boy watched as the girl charged at the dragon with both of their swords in hand. She attack the dragon over and over injuring it multiple times. She fell to the ground along with the dragon. The boy built up his strength and walked to the girl. He picked her up,
embraced her, and cried.

A child from the village near by saw what had happened and ran back to the village asking for help. Soon the villagers let the boy and girl stay in the village.

The boy and girl recovered and said goodbye to the village. They took horses back to the city. When they got to the city people started surrounding the boy asking about how he slayed the dragon. He tried to tell them that the girl was the one who slayed the creature but they weren't listening so he went along with the people.

The boy was called to the palace and was given the title of dragon slayer, money, and a noble title. Everywhere he went people praised him and women asked to bare his children. The boy had started to change. Every time he went on a mission with the girl he made her do all of the fighting. He had stoped treating her like a person and started treating her like a dog. The girl didn't realize what was going on and just let everything happen.

The boy had spotted a red haired girl and fell in love. He confessed his love and they became lovers. The redhead hated the girl and told the boy to throw her out. The boy refused and told her,
"She is useful for me to gain power"
The girl continued doing whatever the boy said and the boy used the ring her had bought the girl to marry the red head.

The girl had gotten sick and started to grow weak. She was unable to sleep and coughed up blood along with flowers. She had to wound herself over and over just to please the man she loved. The girl didn't know that the boy she knew have been eaten by the darkness.

Over time rumors about the boy spread saying that he's been lying about slaying monsters. The boy did something terrible. He ordered the girl to kill the members in their party and she did. Regret swallowed the girl. Her illness had gotten worst and the flowers had started to take over the girl's throat.

The people had turned the girl into a monster. Calling her a killer, the devil, a demon. The flowers had taken over her throat. She realized that the caring boy she loved was gone as she burned her at the stake along with the child growing inside her stomach.


Word Count: 1246

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