The Pod

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"You may only be one person to the world, but you may also be the world to one person"~Unknown


I walk to the Garrison, and pass by the iconic trio at this school, Lance, Hunk and Pidge. Who's obviously trying to come off as a boy. I pretend not to notice them, especially Lance, who glares me down as I walk by him.

As soon as I pass them I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I've always had a bit of a crush on Lance, but I've never acted on it, because he's so clearly straight, he flirts with every girl he meets. For some reason, he seems to hate me, so there's that too.

But his mom knows and likes me, though I haven't seen her in about a year. A few years ago, she walking into the orphanage I was living at with hand sewed clothes and blankets. I thought it was cool how she could take fabric and make whatever she wanted out of it, so I went up and asked her to teach me.

She happily agreed, saying that I was the first person interested in her sewing. She taught me in a workshop of her own, so nobody would interrupt us. She taught me how to hand stitch, to use a sewing machine, and much more.

Though I don't like telling people, I still sew, I enjoy sewing, it's calming. I made my jacket that I wear so much, one of the best things I've made. It's a cropped red jacket with a yellow stripe in the front, and white details around it.

I sigh, wishing I could go home right now.

I look at the floor as I walk to professor Shiro's classroom, he's practically my brother now, as we both live in a small mobile home far from town. because he knows me, he doesn't call on me a lot during class, and I like it. I sit down at the one seat with a window next to it. He's the first aid teacher, but I've never gotten very hurt, and I don't talk to anybody enough to need to know this.

Everybody else files in, and the bell rings. Shiro starts his class, while I look out the window. I see birds, flying free, chirping, I wish I was more like them. Be able go wherever, and do whatever I want.

Then I hear a burst of steam. I look up front and there's this strange pod looking thing beside Shiro's desk. "This is a healing pod, they were released safely less than a year ago, and we have the privilege of having one in our classroom," he states.

He grabs a piece of paper and slides it sharply against his finger, he holds up a paper cut, then he walks to a small panel beside the pod. "To start it, you tap in the password, 0709, in this case, and walk inside." He does as he said, and the door immediately closes, everyone except me starts to freak out, but after about a minute the door opens again. He holds up his finger, and the cut is gone.

Everybody gasps, "It takes more time, depending on the severity of the injury. I don't suggest using it unless necessary, and never put two people in there at a time."

I look back out the window, why would you ever put two people in that small pod anyway.

The bell rings and I walk to my next class, but in the hall, James shoves me aside, "Move emo boy."

I grab him by his collar, even though he's taller than me, "What was that," I ask glaring at him, everyone staring at us.

"I said move," he shoves me again.

I pull my fist back, but before I can swing I hear Shiro, "Keith!" I let go of James and put my fist down.

He smirks, "Yea, listen to your master."

"Fight. After school, nine o'clock. Nobody will be here, and we're gonna finish this," I say so only he can hear, and he smirks as I walk to my math class.

I look at the floor again as Lance and Hunk pass by, my cheeks getting warm.

Sorry it took so long to make this, I like to make sure I can get into a story I wrote before I post it. I don't lime quitting stories I posted, though I have before.

Hope you like this story though.

Also if you are my friend Lucas reading this, hi. Thanks for reading. Love ya homie <3


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