Part 1

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Betty Cooper was sitting alone in her dorm room at Yale, crying, waiting for her results.

Betty- This can't happen right now...please don't let this be happening. (cries)

She pulled her knees up to her chest while she leaned back against the bathroom cabinets. Suddenly her alarm that she had set went off and her heart began to race.

She grabbed the small white stick that was sitting in front of her and she turned it over.

Betty- N-No, fuck, this is wrong. I need to take another. (sobs)

She quickly grabbed another test from the cabinet and took it.

The whole time she waited she was fidgeting with her fingers and bouncing her leg up and down. But once she could finally look at the test, she did.

She put both of the tests down in front of her and looked at the two red lines that were on both of the tests.

Betty- O-Oh my god...what do I do? (sobs)

She sat on the bathroom floor and cried for hours trying to figure out what to do.

She had just gotten to Yale a week ago, she barely knew anyone and she and Jughead had broken up.

Finally after a long time of crying and thinking she decided to call her mom. But as the phone rang she started to freak out more and more.

On the phone:

Alice- Betty, Hi! How's Yale?

Betty- U-Um it's okay. (cries)

Alice- Baby, what's wrong?

Betty- M-Mom, I need help. (cries)

Alice- What's wrong sweetheart?

Betty- I-I'm pregnant. (cries)

Alice- WHAT? ELIZABETH! Who is the father?!

Betty- Jughead. (cries)

Alice- Oh my god! You finally got rid of him! I can't believe you would do this!?

Betty- I d-didn't mean for this to happen. (cries)

Alice- Oh well, you have to deal with that snakes child now.

Betty- M-Mom please help me, I need you! (sobs)

Alice- This is your mistake Betty, you need to deal with it.

Betty- B-But I don't know what to do. (sobs)

Alice- Get an abortion!

Betty- I can't! (sobs)

Alice- Well then good luck.

Betty- N-No Mo- (sobs)

Off the phone:

Suddenly the line cut out and Betty began to panic, she didn't know who to call or what to do.

But she realised she needed to at least try to call Jughead, even if they were broken up.

He didn't answer her call, it just went straight to voicemail. She wanted to leave him a message but it said she couldn't which made her realise that he blocked her. But that's not surprising, especially after what went down between them...

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