Part 27

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Jughead- Jules it's time for you to go to sleep, we've been lying here for ten minutes and you haven't let go of me...what's wrong?

Juliet- I wanna see mama.

Jughead- Baby, she's not in the mood to see anyone right now.

Juliet- But why won't she see me?

Jughead- I told you, she just isn't herself right now. Can you just try to go to sleep for me?

She nodded and closed her eyes, finally letting herself sleep.

Once she had been out for a few minute Jughead got up and left Juliet's room and went to check on Betty.

As he walked in he saw her lying in the bed sobbing quietly into a pillow.

Jughead- Betts...

Betty- J-Jug, what are you doing in here? (sobs)

Jughead- Love, this is my room. (chuckles)

Betty- Right, sorry. (sobs)

Jughead- It's okay baby, how are you feeling?

She shrugged so he sat on the edge of the bed in front of her making her a little nervous.

He could tell that she was tensing up.

Jughead- Betts, hey, I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise you.

She nodded and looked right into his eyes.

Jughead- Can I lay next to you?

Betty- I g-guess... (tears)

He got under the covers next to her and looked at her making sure she was okay.

Since he wasn't touching her, she was.

Jughead- I know you probably don't want to be talking right now but what were you thinking about love?

She was looking down as he spoke to her but as soon as he finished his sentence she'd looked up at him with her bloodshot eyes.

He immediately wanted to hug her but he knew he couldn't.

Betty- H-How many times, how many t-times does it have to happen to me before I'm allowed to be happy with my life; with my family. (sobs)

Jughead- I don't know baby, it shouldn't have ever happened at all but I promise you that was the last time. I won't let him or anyone hurt you every again. (tears)

She looked away from him before sitting up and pulling her knees up to her chest. She continued to cry quietly, though Jughead could very clearly hear her soft whimpers.

And it hurt his heart.

Jughead- Baby...

She didn't respond, she just kept crying.

Jughead- Do you want me to go downstairs?

Betty nodded so Jughead walked out of the room quietly, leaving her alone again.

He went down to the couch and grabbed his laptop.

He wasn't tired enough to go to sleep so he just decided to write.

As hours and hours went by he didn't stop writing, he couldn't...then he heard a high pitched scream.

But it wasn't Betty; it was Juliet.

Jughead shut his computer and ran up to his daughters room to see her sobbing in her bed, clutching her pillow tight.

Jughead- Baby, what happened?

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