Part 12

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Once they arrived at Reggie and Veronica's apartment, Reggie helped Betty get upstairs while Veronica held Juliet's hand.

They got upstairs and Juliet had already started running around with Veronica, it was adorable.

Juliet- Mommy save me! She's the tickle monster!

Juliet ran behind Betty's legs and then Reggie picked her up and started tickling her.

Juliet- That's not fair! There can't be two tickle monsters! (giggles)

Reggie- Fine.

He put her down and she ran away while Veronica chased after her.

Reggie helped Betty lay down on the couch and he made sure she was comfortable.

Reggie- Are you feeling okay?

Betty- Yeah.

Reggie- Good, do you need any food or something to drink?

Betty- Um, I'm not really hungry but can I have some water?

Reggie- Of course, I'll be right back.

He quickly got Betty a glass of water and she chugged the whole thing.

Reggie- Damn girl. (laughs)

Betty- What, I was thirsty?

Reggie- I can tell.

He sat down next to her and they watched Juliet and Veronica run around the apartment.

But soon Juliet got tried and crawled into Betty's arms.

Juliet- Mama, I'm sleepy.

Betty- Yeah, it's getting late, do you want to go to bed?

She nodded and rested her head on Betty's shoulder.

Betty- Oh shoot, we don't have any clothes.

Reggie- Do you want me to run down to the house and grab your stuff?

Betty- No you don't have t-

Reggie- Please let me, I want to help.

Betty- Okay, thank you. Can you just grab some of our clothes and a few of her Nancy Drew books?

Veronica- Nancy Drew, sounds exactly like someone I know. (giggles)

Betty- I know right.

Reggie- Yeah, I'll be back in like thirty minutes-ish.

Betty- Thank you so much.

He left and Betty stood up to bring Juliet to their room.

Veronica- Woah, B slow down, you need to go easy on yourself.

Betty- V, I'm fine, don't worry.

She carried Juliet to their room and they sat down in bed together.

Veronica stayed in the doorway and just listened to the two of them.

Juliet- Mommy...

Betty- Yes love?

Juliet- Can I go with you to see Daddy tomorrow?

Betty- Um, not tomorrow.

Juliet- Why?

Betty- Because we have a lot to talk about and I don't want you to have to listen to it.

Juliet- But I want to see him.

Betty- You will, I promise, but I don't think tomorrow is the best day.

Juliet- Okay, just make sure he doesn't leave again.

Betty- He won't baby.

Juliet- (nods) I love you mama.

Betty- I love you too.

Betty gave her a kiss on the head and her eyes shut as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Betty looked up and saw Veronica still standing in the doorway, she smiled and gestured for her to come in.

Betty- V, this is your place, you're allowed in here. (giggles)

Veronica- I just wanted to give you two some space.

Betty nodded and Veronica laid down on the bed next to her and Juliet.

Veronica- Just so you know, she is literally the cutest kid ever.

Betty- Thank you. (giggles)

Veronica- I'm serious, she's literally a mini you with some of Jughead's features.

Betty- She really is.

Veronica moves closer to them and ran her fingers through Juliet's long curly hair.

Then Betty sighed which made Veronica look up at her.

Veronica- What's wrong?

Betty- I'm just thinking...

Veronica- About what?

Betty- About our senior year, maybe if I was smarter than I wouldn't have cheated on Jughead with Archie...maybe we would've still been together and we could've been parents together.

Veronica- B, you can't think about that. There's no possible way of knowing what would've happened if you didn't do what you did.

Betty- I know, but I regret it.

Veronica- That's okay, we all regret a lot of things we did that year. (laughs)

Betty- Yeah...but I'm sorry about what I did. I was wrong.

Veronica- It's okay, it's in the past.

Betty- I love you V.

Veronica- I love you too B.

Veronica wrapped her arms around Betty and Juliet, but then Reggie walked in with two suitcases.

Reggie- Sorry, am I interrupting a B and V moment?

Veronica- No, we were just finished. (laughs)

Reggie- Good, you two seem happy.

Betty- Yeah, now how much of our stuff did you get, there's literally two suitcases...

Reggie- I just grabbed all of your stuff, I didn't want to leave things behind.

Betty- Thank you, but you didn't have to grab anything.

Reggie- Yeah, but I did so here you go.

He brought over all of their stuff and Betty got up to get Juliet changed into pyjamas.

Once she was changed betty decided to take a quick shower before getting in bed with her daughter.

But as she walked back out she saw Veronica cuddled up with Juliet.

Betty- I see you've stollen my kid. (giggles)

Veronica- I'm sorry B, she's just so cute!

Betty- It's okay, you're allowed. (giggles)

Betty got in bed with them and the two girls talked for a while until they heard a light knock at the door.

They turned their heads to see Reggie standing in the doorway.

Reggie- So I guess I'm sleeping alone tonight?

Veronica- Yep. Sorry hun but I'm with my girls tonight.

Reggie- It's fine, but make sure you get some sleep, I don't want either of you complaining that you're tired tomorrow.

Betty- We'll see.

Reggie- Oh lord.

Veronica- Goodnight love, we'll see you in the morning. (giggles)

Reggie- Goodnight.

Reggie left the girls who continued to talk until they got tired, then they fell asleep.

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