Part 6

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Betty quickly walked out of the bedroom, not wanting to be in the same room as Nick, then she went to check on Juliet.

But when she got there she saw Juliet praying. And she just decided to listen.

Juliet- Please help us daddy, I know mommy misses you and I do too, but we just really need you. Nick hurts mommy and I know she's scared, she doesn't know that I've seen it though. We just really need you daddy, please.

Juliet finished and Betty wiped her tears that were still in her eyes before she walked in.

Betty- Hey Jules.

Juliet- Hi Mommy!

Betty- Do you wanna go out to the swings now.

Juliet- Yes yes yes!

Betty- Okay lets go.

Juliet ran downstairs and Betty followed close behind her.

They went out to the back yard and Juliet jumped onto the swing set.

Betty got behind her and pushed her on the swings for a little bit but then Nick walked out.

Nick- Elizabeth, we need to talk.

Betty- Okay, Jules do you want to stay out here?

Juliet- Yes.

Betty- Okay just please be careful.

Juliet- I will.

She continued to play on the swings while Betty and Nick went inside.

Juliet played around outside for a little while until she got tired, so she got off the swing set and began to walk inside, but immediately she heard yelling.

She walked inside and saw Nick on top of her mother, slapping her, undressing her.

Juliet was really scared and didn't know what to do so she walked into the house and began to walk towards her mother but Nick saw her and grabbed her arm.

Nick- Go up to your room and don't come out!

Juliet- Why?

Nick- Because I said so.

Juliet- I don't want too. (tears)

He grabbed her chin as he continued to hold onto her arm tight.

Nick- Go up to your room right now! If you don't listen to me, I will hurt Mommy more! Do you understand?

She nodded and ran up to her room. She closed the door and ran into her closet.

Anytime she got really scared she would just hide and wait for everything to be over.

She didn't even know how long she was hiding in her closet, but then she heard the door open.

She walked out of her closet and saw her mom crying, her face was all red and her clothing was ripped.

Betty fell to the ground and Juliet ran to her, hugging her so tight.

Juliet- Mommy... (tears)

Betty- I-I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry. (sobs)

Juliet- Don't cry mommy, don't cry.

Juliet stayed in her mothers lap and hugged her until the door opened again.

Nick walked in which made Betty quickly wipe her tears away and stand up with Juliet in her arms.

Nick- What are you girls up to?

Betty- N-Nothing.

Nick- Okay well, I'm going out to see some old friends, I probably won't be back til late so don't wait up.

Betty- Okay.

Juliet rolled her eyes at him as he walked out but once he was gone Betty let out a sigh of relief.

She sat down on the ground and held Juliet in her lap.

Juliet hugged her again and rested her head on her chest.

Juliet- Mommy, why does he hurt you?

Betty- I d-don't know.

Juliet- Why won't he stop?

Betty shrugged and rocked Juliet back and forth.

Juliet- Please just be careful mama.

Betty- I will.

Juliet- I love you.

Betty- I love you too.

The rest of the day the two spent playing around the house together but Juliet's bedtime slowly rolled around and Betty got her all cleaned and ready for bed.

They cuddled up in her small bed together and Juliet climbed on top of Betty making her giggle.

Betty- You want me to stay with you tonight?

Juliet- Yes.

Betty- Okay, let me get changed quickly, I'll be right back.

Juliet nodded and Betty walked to her room to get changed.

As she walked back in to Juliet's room she saw her reading which she did all the time when she was bored.

She quickly put the book down as she saw her mother and Betty got back in bed with her. Juliet laid on top of her again and she fell asleep almost instantly.

Betty fell asleep not long after.

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