Part 16

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Betty- Alright, I think she's ready to say goodnight.

Betty carefully handed her Reggie and he gave her gentle hug before passing her to Veronica.

She held her for a minute and gave her a few kisses which made Betty smile.

Then Juliet was passed back to her.

Juliet- Goodnight Auntie Ronnie, Goodnight Uncle Reggie.

Reggie- Goodnight sweet girl.

Veronica- Good night baby.

Betty- I'll be back after I put her to sleep.

Reggie- Don't worry, we'll wait up.

Veronica- Yeah, take your time.

Betty- Thanks.

Betty brought Juliet into their room and placed her down in the bed before turning off the lights.

She climbed into the bed with her daughter she instantly rolled close to her.

Betty- Jules, I know you're sleepy but why were you being shy when daddy was here earlier?

Juliet- I don't want him hurting you like Nick did.

Betty- Baby, he won't. He's nothing like Nick.

Juliet- (nods) I just got scared, I'm sorry.

Betty- You don't have to be sorry love, you're allowed to be nervous. But tomorrow he is going to pick us up so we can spend the day together, are you okay with that?

She nodded and curled into her mothers side.

Betty- Good, now try to get some rest baby girl, you had a long day today.

She fell asleep almost instantly but Betty continued to hold her for a few minutes, not wanting to let her go.

But finally she did and quietly walked back out to her two friends who were now on the couch.

She slumped down next to Veronica and fell into her arms.

Veronica- You good girl?

Betty- Yeah, but Juliet just said she was being shy around Jughead because she doesn't want him to be like Nick.

Reggie- Oh wow.

Betty- Yeah...I just feel like it's all my fault. She's worried about me getting hurt when it should be me worrying about her.

Veronica- It's not your fault B, he was a bad guy but he's gone now and soon she most likely won't even remember him.

Betty- Yeah, you're right, I just hope she doesn't keep worrying.

Veronica- I mean, she will always worry about you, you're her mom and she wants you to be safe.

Betty- But she shouldn't have to be worrying at her age.

Reggie- Well, she is one smart kid.

Betty- That she is.

The continued to talk for a while until but then it got really late so they all decided to head to bed.

Veronica and Reggie went to their bedroom while Betty quietly walked into hers and Juliet's room.

As she walked into hers and Juliet's room she quickly got changed before climbing into bed with her daughter.

Juliet instantly rolled towards her mother and cuddled into her side making Betty wrap her arms around her.

Suddenly she heard her phone ding, she picked it up from the nightstand and saw that it was a text from Jughead.

On text:

Jughead- Hey, I know you might be asleep since it's late but I have a great idea for tomorrow.

Betty- And what might that be?

Jughead- It's a surprise Betts, but you both need to bring bathing suits.

Betty- Okay..?

Jughead- Don't question it, I promise it'll be fun.

Betty- Alright.

Jughead- I'll pick you up after lunch, okay?

Betty- Okay, we'll see you tomorrow.

Jughead- Goodnight 😘

Betty- Goodnight 😘

Off text:

Betty put her phone down and looked at Juliet who was still sleeping peacefully in her arms.

Betty- Goodnight Baby girl, I love you. (whispers)

She gave her daughter one last kiss before falling asleep while holding her close.

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