Part 17

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The next morning when Betty woke up she didn't see Juliet next to her.

She got up and walked out of the bedroom but didn't see her in the living room either.

She began to worry a little bit until she heard giggling coming from Veronica and Reggie's bedroom.

She went over to the door and opened it slightly to see Juliet sat in between Veronica and Reggie while watching TV.

She walked in and Juliet instantly smiled.

Juliet- Mommy!

Betty- Hi my love.

She jumped up and ran to her mother who picked her up and placed her on her hip.

Betty- Did you have a good morning with Auntie Ronnie and Uncle Reggie?

Juliet- Yeah, we're watching Disney!

Betty- Wow, that sounds like a good morning.

She nodded and rested her head on Betty's shoulder.

Betty- Did you eat?

Veronica- Yeah, I made some pancakes. If you want there are still some left.

Betty- Thank you V but I'm good right now.

Veronica- Alright well if you want anything, you are welcome to take whatever you want from the fridge.

Betty- Thank you.

Veronica- Of course.

As the show turned back on Juliet wiggled out of Betty's arms and crawled back in between Reggie and Veronica.

Betty let them watch her for a bit and she went back to her room.

She grabbed her phone and saw that she had a text from Jughead.

On text:

Jughead- Hey Betts, I just wanted to check in to make sure both you and Jules are okay and to see if we are still on for today?

Betty- We're both great and don't worry, we're definitely still on for today.

Jughead- Good, I cant wait.

Betty- Me too, but can you please tell me where you're taking us?

Jughead- Nope.

Betty- Please!!!!!

Jughead- No, you'll find out soon anyway.

Betty- Fine.

Jughead- Alright, I'll see you in a bit.

Betty- Yup ❤️

Jughead- ❤️

Off the phone:

Once she ended the call Betty put her phone down and looked up to see Juliet peeking through the door.

Betty gestured first her time come in so she walked through the doorway and hopped onto the bed with her.

Juliet- Mommy...

Betty- Yes baby?

Juliet- Why were you smiling?

Betty- Um...

Juliet- Was it daddy?

Betty- It was.

Juliet- Do you love him?

Betty nodded and pulled Juliet into her lap.

Juliet leaned her back against her mothers chest and looked up at her.

Juliet- Are you going to be together?

Betty- I don't know yet baby. Do you want us to be together?

She nodded slightly and looked down at her lap.

Betty gave her a kiss on the cheek before wrapping her arms around her.

Betty- We're gonna have to see, but hopefully we can.

Juliet turned around and hugged Betty tight.

The rest of the morning they spent with Veronica and Reggie watching TV and playing around until they had to get ready for their day.

Betty got Juliet changed into her cute little swimsuit and then put jean shorts on over that. She took out her braids and put her hair up in a high ponytail, letting her curls flow.

Then she got ready. She put on a really sexy black bikini and then there on a crop top and shorts over it.

She grabbed an extra pair of clothing for each of them in a bag and then grabbed a few other things that they might need for the day.

She walked out of their bedroom and looked at her daughter who was playing with Reggie on the floor, then she saw Veronica smirking at her.

Betty- What?

Veronica- You look hot B, and you haven't even taken those clothes off yet.

Betty- Oh my god...why are you like this?

Veronica- Oh shush, you know you love it.

Betty rolled her eyes and and looked back at Juliet who was now in Reggie's lap.

Veronica- You okay?

Betty- Yeah, just a little nervous fully letting Jughead into our lives.

Veronica- I get it, but you know he won't hurt you or pressure you into anything.

Betty- Yeah, I know, I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing for Juliet. I want her to be happy.

Veronica- She will be.

Betty nodded and hugged Veronica tight. Then they heard a knock at the door.

Veronica- Go get your man.

Betty giggled and walked towards the door. She opened it and saw Jughead standing there in a tank top and swim trunks.

Betty- Hey.

Jughead- Hey, are you ready to go?

Betty- Yeah, Jules come here.

Juliet- Yes Mommy.

She ran over to Betty and then saw Jughead. She smiled but got a little shy so she became more clingy towards Betty.

She wrapped her arms around her mothers leg which made Betty bent down and pick her up onto her hip.

She hid her head in her neck which made Betty sigh.

Betty- Love, can you say hi to daddy?

Juliet- Hi. (quietly)

Jughead- Hi baby.

Betty- Are you ready to go Jules?

She just shrugged.

Betty didn't really know what to do, she never really got shy around people. Luckily Jughead was very understanding and wasn't being pushy.

Veronica- Alright you three, stop standing there and go have fun.

Betty- Jeez V. (giggles)

Reggie- She's right, but don't have too much fun. (smirks)

Betty- Ew, stop.

Jughead- Oh my god, come on, let's just leave before these two say something else.

Reggie- Good choice.

They walked out and went down to the car. Jughead took their bag and put it in the trunk while Betty buckled Juliet into her car seat.

They got in the front and began to drive to their destination.

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