Part 20

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Juliet- DADDY DON'T GO! (sobs)

Jughead- Jules...

Juliet- COME BACK! (sobs)

Jughead- Baby I will but you need to go to be now and I need to go home.

Juliet- NO! (sobs)

He walked out and his heart shattered, he just wanted to hold her and give her kisses but she needed to go to bed and he needed to get home.

But then he saw Veronica and Reggie and he began to feel worse.

Veronica- She really loves you.

Jughead- Yeah, I wish I could just stay with her but right now we need to take things slow.

Reggie- Yeah, I get it man.

Jughead- I think I'm just going to wait until Juliet's asleep before I go home, just so I know she's okay.

Veronica- Yeah of course, stay as long as you want.

Jughead- Thanks guys.

They nodded and went into their room before locking the door.

Jughead went and sat down on the couch, he listened to Betty calm Juliet for a few minutes and then he heard the door open.

Betty- You stayed?

Jughead- Yeah, I needed to know you both were okay.

She nodded and walked over to him, instantly hugging him as she reached him.

He wrapped his arms around her tight and held her for a few minutes until she looked up at him.

Jughead- Are you okay?

Betty- Yeah, she's just never been like this.

Jughead- It's okay, this is all new to her and to us...but we will all figure it out.

She nodded and continued to starts into his eyes before leaning into his lips.

As their lips connected they both smiled while pulling each other closer.

But as they pulled away they continued to keep their eyes on each other.

Betty- I love you. (quietly)

Jughead- I love you too.

Betty- Do you need to go home now?

Jughead- Yeah but you can text me or call me anytime.

She nodded and hugged him one last time before he walked over to the door.

He opened the door but before he left she walked over and kissed him again. He smiled and held her another minute before finally leaving.

Once Jughead was gone Betty turned and saw both Reggie and Veronica watching her.

Betty- Oh my god! Stop stalking us!

Veronica- Why? You guys are cute!

Betty- Jeez, have you ever heard of something called privacy?

Reggie- Sorry, don't know what you're talking about.

Betty- Wow...I'm just gonna go to bed so I can get away from you two. (giggles)

Reggie- Damn B.

Betty- What? You were stalking me!

Veronica- True...but still.

Betty- Oh my god, I'm going to bed, goodnight.

Veronica & Reggie- Goodnight.

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